Recent content by PontificusWrecks

  1. P

    Pros and Cons of Ruger Bolt Action Rifles...

    M77 MkII in .338 Win Mag is nifty That's the one I shoot, and it's darn nifty. It's 0'd at 200 yards, gives 2 inch groupings (I know, I know, but I guess I got a really good barrel) throughout its 4-round magazine. I've got a Leupold Vx-III resting comfortably in its Ruger rings (I have a...
  2. P

    To people with compensated pistols

    Ported guns and nice shirts don't mix The defensive situation that you want to avoid is carrying a ported pistol close in, rather than weavered, such as in situations where you might not want the Bad Guy to be able to reach out and grab your hands, etc. With a ported pistol fired close in...
  3. P

    I got a couple of blades, some questions about starting a sword collection

    So ya wanna collect swords This is a favorite topic of mine, and one that I commend to anyone. Everything important in the history of the world got done with a sword, at least until the 2nd Amendment was invented. Having said that, collecting swords is a matter of perception on the part of...