Recent content by prfoley

  1. P

    One AR-15 just one

    Get a good trigger and you are good to go I have put a number of these together - Being of M1 vintage I add a two stage trigger and they shoot like match grade due to their design. The only thing wrong is I live too close to California. A speeding ticket could ruin your day.
  2. P

    AR-15 Magazines in Bulk?

    AR-15 mags at Mark ( has a box of 100 if you want bulk - He also has almost every brand/type at a reasonable price. Get them when you can, During the last ban, I bought a broken stock AR-15 to get the 14 mags that it came with. I fixed the stock and still have the gun...
  3. P

    Oregon medical training

    Hi - this was given in Philadelphia last year - I will post when it is again - also given in Colorado WRSA Grid-Down Medical Course - Peyton, CO - February 27-March 1 - I took ths course in Brookings...
  4. P

    Oregon medical training

    WRSA Grid-Down Medical Course - Clackamas, OR - March 27-29 Field Expedient Medical Care in Austere Environments This two-day (16 hour) course of instruction will prepare the motivated outdoorsman to treat life-threatening and function-threatening medical conditions in the wilderness...