Recent content by psyfly

  1. P

    Identity and Date of Manufacture of S&W Revolvers

    Looking at revolver marked .45 w/o model no. Serial # on bottom of butt is 1790xx. What kind of .45 will it shoot and what is a good value? Thanks
  2. P

    Defense for mag and lock and guns for home protection - 13 yo shootout with Burglar

    From reading the first article, looks as if the "Colt .45" may have been left behind by the late (alleged) wanna-be home invader. Cool-headed 13 y-o. Hope he doesn't suffer many ill after-effects.
  3. P

    My Granddaughter Wants a Handgun For Her 16th Birthday

    Should she decide she wants a single action .22 revolver, make sure she knows about the little Ruger Bearcat & Shopkeeper. She's not likely to find one next Saturday to handle, but, she should know they exist. Mine has become my most-fun weekend shooter. Will
  4. P

    Recall campaign in Colorado

    ^^I believe each is out of a job the moment his or her (un)election results are certified. Good on ya, Colorado. W
  5. P

    Your best single gun related Photograph

    Some great photography here; I really don't feel qualified to play with you guys, but:
  6. P

    Are you a pilot? Planes and Guns

    Private Pilot SEL; ~1K in a lot of fixed-winged things with half that in my own C205. Neither commercial nor instrument but neither rating requires a multi-engine ticket. Most pilots I know are into guns and shooting, also if and when I find out about it, that is: Most would rather talk...
  7. P

    How old were you when you first started going into gunstores by yourself?

    Like a lot of the "times sure have changed" folks, where I grew up in TX the term gunstore didn't have much meaning. We had a drugstore, a general store, a hardware store, a furniture store, a feed store... No gunstore. You could buy a gun, though, at any of the above stores... I...
  8. P

    Rossi .22 pump takedown

    I have one and it's as cute as it can be but I can't (yet) hit anything with it! I also have a Win 62a and a 1906 both of which are dead-on accurate so, it's not just (only) me. Also, it's kind of a bummer that the later Rossis will feed 22lr only, no shorts need apply. Some of the...
  9. P

    Letter of thanks

    Perhaps someone who knows better than I how to do so could start something like a 'fire-mission' to send msgs of support to those legislators being targeted by the gun-control lobby.
  10. P

    Letter of thanks

    She's the target of the gun-control lobby and they're giving her a hard time for voting against the UBC bill. My letter was short and to the point that I appreciated her standing up for my civil rights against the gun-control lobby and, although I can't vote for her, I'll happily send her a...
  11. P

    Letter of thanks

    Just sent an email thanking Sen. Kelly Ayotte for standing up for civil rights against the Powerful Anti-gun lobby from whom she is currently, you should pardon the expression, taking fire. Will
  12. P

    Nice editorial from the Washington Times

    Happy to see the editor using the term "gun-control lobby". I've been using it for a couple of years but it just hasn't gotten into wide-spread usage. W
  13. P

    Bet Obama & Holder Did Not Expect This- NRA

    One78Shovel: That's cool. You got a reference for us? A quick web search didn't turn up anything before 1871 and the NY generals. Thanks, Will
  14. P

    first time shooting

    Eight years old. My aunt taught me the basics of firearms safety and marksmanship with a Winchester pump .22. It lived behind the back door and was my frequent companion on my wanderings around the farm. I was told not to shoot anything living unless it was fit for the supper-table. Well...
  15. P

    Banks no gun signs

    One of my banks recently had an ad campaign with billboards suggesting that the officers were "your kind of people". My favorite was the loan officer with a smile on her face next to a target with 5 holes in the 10 ring.