Recent content by Red6

  1. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    To #34 “MY safe is a BURGLAR and FIRE rated safe” “It has 1/2" steel plate on the front door” Wow- I see. You’re probably right.
  2. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    #33 I don't have a problem with them! I don't have any problems with people that buy a Prius; cell phone, credit card identity theft, or rental car add on insurance. All these people have their reasons for buying what they do, and it all makes perfect sense to them. Many people keep...
  3. R

    people at photo lab gave my mom a hard time

    To # 57 Have you ever noticed that in Hollywood and our MSM, strong dominant females are always cast in a positive light, while a man acting this way is almost certainly portrayed as bad, evil, bigoted etc (As a trend, of course there are exceptions). Think of a role like Fonzie today on TV...
  4. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    To #28 "I personally know people that have had their guns stolen. The fact that it happens is not BS. I also personally know someone whose house was broken into." It's a mathematical function. Probability and severity of impact/ability to recover, are the driving variables. This is no...
  5. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    To #24 I don't care if it's Frisco, Plano, Allen......etc etc etc. The probability of someone breaking into a building is LESS than 1% and that's in a big city with commercial and residential bundled together. Get...
  6. R

    people at photo lab gave my mom a hard time

    Are you serious? Well, The problem is obvious. If you were from the "Religion of Peace" there would be no problem, all the store employees would understand that you're just exercising your freedom of speech, protected by the first amendment which is much more important than some silly...
  7. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    To #11 If someone knows you have guns and is breaking it to get them, they'll walk away with you're whole damn safe (most the smaller ones) or break it open in your home with tools you can buy at any Home Depot. But I already knew your response before I even posted my first reply. 1. The...
  8. R

    Humidity inside gun safe

    Tasteless! If your gun is in a safe you might not be able to use it when you need it. Why buy beautiful guns and hide them in a safe? A safe (often in a garage) is not air tight and can actually be a bad place for your guns long term. I’m sure you’re now going to tell me that you...
  9. R

    Are negligent discharges more likely with a semi auto?

    To #1 Some weapons indeed tend to be more prone for ADs. The Army saw this with the 1911 vs. the Beretta and 38 service revolver. The 1911 had a lot more. Yes in the end, it’s all operator induced. However, some designs and mechanisms on weapons tend to make it more forgiving. Realize...
  10. R

    The Motivations and Fallacies behind Gun Control

    Motivations: • Stupid people who personally don't like guns because they're ignorant about them, our Constitution, and positive benefits these tools have had for millions of individuals and our greater society. • Demagogue politicians who run after those stupid people, telling them what...
  11. R

    Aluminium Bullets?

    Why lead? Because even lighter steel shot looses energy to quickly and has a rapid drop in performance. That's why steel shot used over water for birds has degraded performance. Why I would worry about aluminum? 1) This material has a large coefficient of expansion. If I shoot a lot...
  12. R

    best rifle for worst case scenario?

    One of the most fun, the most versatile for hunting and survival, reliable yet inexpensive, and best of all most effective home defense weapons is a 12 gauge pump. At 12 cents a shot (normal price for say 7-1/2 shot), 12 gauge ammo isn’t expensive nor is the weapon which you can pick up for...
  13. R

    Cop Killer Bullets...

    To #2 lol Hollywood physics and the MSM bias does produce some funny combinations. 1. Anything that goes boom = assault rifle 2. Anything that comes out of the front of a barrel = cop killer round It's either to small, to large, to much plastic, to much metal, to loud, to...
  14. R

    Well this is sad, Baylor is in Texas right?

    To #2 "because the state has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its citizens in those locations. " The state is under NO OBLIGATION to respond. Besides the obvious, that police can't be everywhere, always present, or move at light speed, it is a misconception that the police must...
  15. R

    How should I respond to an anti from europe?

    To 210 Something changed in certain parts of Europe. There was a time where the French understood, when they truly were enlightened. What a great gift:!Statue_of_Liberty.jpg Our liberty was not handed to us...