Recent content by Swinger

  1. S

    Intratec Tec-9 questions

    Thanks for the replies guys. I probably should have said up front that I'm just looking at a Tec-9 as a new toy to play with at the range. I certainly wouldn't try to carry a monster like that concealed, and I have a Beretta that would feed rocks without jamming to trust my life to. :)...
  2. S

    Intratec Tec-9 questions

    I've seen a few Intratec Tec-9 pistols at recent gun shows in my area, and I have to say, I'm intrigued by this unique-looking pistol. I've found lots of good information on the internet, but I have a few questions I'm hoping someone here can help with. First, do any of you guys own a Tec-9...