Recent content by The Rock

  1. T

    It's SHOT Show time again...

    I'd be up for something; too bad that seafood place closed - that was a nice time 2 years ago. TR
  2. T

    Shot Show anyone?

    Unless anybody has a better suggestion, I say we try for a normal chain for Sunday night. We can try to find a place with a private room; like last year's, we could even go there again. Hopefully they don't have a band. TR
  3. T

    Shot Show anyone?

    At one of the previous SHOTs, we were able to get everybody together and trade cell phone #s, etc. Okay, so do we just want to suffer with Friday's or is that Chinese place a possibility? Please PM or email me for my phone #. TR
  4. T

    Shot Show anyone?

    I'd be happy to make reservations a couple of days before hand. Last time I hit the show in Vegas, we ended up at a Friday's. (No Joke!) Since it has been literally years since I was in Vegas, I will have to give way to folks with more experience than I. How about a meet during the show...
  5. T

    Shot Show anyone?

    Myself, MrsTheRock and a couple others will be available to have dinner; Monday or Sunday night might be the best option. I wonder if we will have somebody volunteer to give up stuff they don't own again. :rolleyes: TR
  6. T

    SHOT Show 2007 - Orlando, Jan. 11-14

    Fun Times in Orlando Again... I should be there - in fact, I need to remind the boss to register me, since I already bought a plane ticket and have marching orders on what to look for whilst walking the place. I have fond memories of Shot 2002 and 2003. Dinner on Friday, huh? Sounds like...
  7. T

    Giving the devil it's due, this NY Times editorial has a point

    Point of order! How come, when people threaten the administration, the police will proactively do something, but yet, when some individual threatens another with bodily harm, the police can't do anything because the threatener hasn't 'done anything'? Haven't we all heard those stories...
  8. T

    Molon Labe? Gimme a break.

    I'm not really sure what to say, so, in the interest of keeping it civil, I will leave you with a quote from Samuel Adams. "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor...
  9. T

    I'm going to a Bush Rally: Write my sign

    No signs? So, the 1st amendment is null and void then? Funny, I don't remember being taught German in school and how to burn books, but maybe I was absent that day. TR
  10. T

    Okay - Here it is - POLL - Open Carry, Yes or No - and Why.

    I have carried here in Virginia open and concealed. I have only had one incident with open carry, in which I was queried by a gentleman outside the bank on what Department I was with. (Course, I'm not with anybody but myself.. ;) ) If people don't like it, fine. I don't care. I don't...
  11. T

    Open Carry - VA Residents, please?

    I open carry on occasion and I have only been approached about it once, by a gentlemen that assumed I was some sort of LEO. Usually it is just around Hampton Roads; tho I have carried openly out places before; usually while shooting, I'm not too thrilled with not being armed and have my guns...
  12. T

    Mandatory Service

    Took the words from my keyboard Amen. Your sig quote fits well, I believe. Now, on with the post. I'm an adult; I have a mortgage, a full time job, two part time jobs, and all the adult bills. I don't think I need any of your 'responsibility training', thank you very much. I'm...
  13. T

    You are (re)called to volunteer for active duty. YES/NO to GO?

    Not so much Never having been in the .mil and furthermore, being somebody who has problems with authority in both the political thought spectrum and in the hard world that I live in now, I would have to decline. I'm not convinced we are living in the time of the next crusade either. And...
  14. T

    Do you fly the American flag?

    No, but I fly the Bonnie Blue. TR
  15. T

    Which president would you bring back for their stance on RKBA and individual liberty?

    Albert Gallatin or Lysander Spooner. oops, wrong timeline, my mistake. Honestly, I miss Bill Clinton. No, really. TR