Recent content by twency

  1. T

    Guy at the range took some shrapnel

    I was shooting in a GSSF match a few years ago and kept getting splashed by lead or jacket fragments (I couldn't tell which) coming over the berm from the next stage. They were hitting my arm and shoulder pretty hard. Small, so no damage, but I was really glad I had eyes on.
  2. T

    Why it's important to not show ID to police when asked for no reason

    Of course, the reasonable belief has to be based on something. There is no exception to the "reasonable articulable" suspicion requirement of Terry merely because the officer thinks a firearm might be present. See
  3. T

    Police attitudes toward open carry

    Actually, you were judging "most of the people I know that open carry" with your comments. You attributed an attitude to them that is less than positive. You might be right, but you were definitely being judgmental. (Being judgmental is not necessarily wrong - many situations in life require...
  4. T

    An Interesting Moment Today

    "I notice a sign that prohibited firearms and I went back to the truck and put my M&P in the center console" You should have carried the sign along for protection instead. (kidding, kidding!)
  5. T

    Would American troops be better off with semi autos?

    I responded "no" because the standard combat rifles they use are semi-auto when set as such. Which, as I understand it, is often the case. If there are occasions when the training/tactics/situations call for 3-round-burst or full-auto fire, they have to option of selecting and using it...
  6. T

    Why no rapid fire at the range I go to

    If I lived in that condo, I'd raise a ruckus too. "Stray" or otherwise, if rounds are leaving the range, the range needs to be modified, or the shooters need to be modified, or both. Growing up on a farm, I had little sympathy for people who moved in next to smelly agricultural areas and...
  7. T

    Cuffed and Caged for Open Carry

    Just to throw in my two cents, I don't support DUI checkpoints. However even if I did, driving a car is not a right specifically protected by the US Constitution. Bearing arms is, along with freedom of speech, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, etc. As far as danger, a holstered...
  8. T

    Copper, lead, and fuel prices plummet. Shouldn't ammo prices?

    Umm, wow. A pistol-whipping? Really? How very High Road of you. Perhaps you'd like to read about fuel price hedging by the airlines and reconsider your advocacy of battery.
  9. T


    There are various reasons (some better than others) that a weapon might be submitted for evidence processing. One good reason would be concern that you (the self-admitted shooter) might change your story later. Not all police departments and labs operate the same way or use the same...
  10. T


    If the weapon has been processed for latent prints you might not appreciate the condition it's in, even if it is returned. Cyanoacrylate (CA, aka Superglue) fuming leaves some unpleasant residue that can be very difficult to remove. Acetone removes CA, but it may also eat the plastic...
  11. T

    Are police allowed to look in locked compartments at traffic stops?

    I'm fairly certain that the advice to "say x and shut up" was recommending that the stopped individual shut up, not to tell the police officer "shut up".
  12. T

    reasons for removal of a UK firearms licence

    :rolleyes: Nice to see that this discussion is staying on the high road...
  13. T

    Legal issues of recoloring a firearm...

    Please clarify. Register what how and when?
  14. T

    ABC Reporter arrested after having CCW onto school premise

    He was searched incident to arrest.
  15. T

    How Osama Treats His Brothers

    I can't speak for anyone else, but if the worst tortures inflicted on "us" (meaning U.S. and coalition military personnel, civilian contractors, and freedom-loving private citizens) were waterboarding and hair-shaving, I'd have a little more sympathy for your argument. Yes, worse things have...