Recent content by txjohng

  1. T

    Gun Safe Problems

    so granite safes aka winchester safes took care of everything. they hired safe smiths to get into the safe and replace the lock and everything else. since it was under warranty, i had to pay nothing. i have to say that winchester had very good customer service. i was pretty impressed
  2. T

    Gun Safe Problems

    yeah, it "spins" ....and there is a set screw there which it took off, but that appears to do nothing...the weird thing is that the set screw is on top...i called winchester safes (Winchester Safes • 4801 Esco Drive • Fort Worth, Texas 76140 • Tel: 817-561-9095 • Fax: 817-478-3056) and they are...
  3. T

    Gun Safe Problems

    that is my plan - replacing the electronic with mechanical, but right now i am concerned with opening the safe since it appears the fn thing is broke. the handle connects to a shaft which runs inside the safe, sadly when i turn the handle the shaft also turns...
  4. T

    Gun Safe Problems

    i do not have that many guns, but a cool idea man this blows.... i would not trust electronic mechanisms ever again! My dad and I had a conversation about mechanical vs electronic locks and well i guess he was right. My problem is started very similar to the OPs, but now my handle is a...
  5. T

    Gun Safe Problems

    the exact same happened to me but according to the directions, it says if you enter the right code and it does not open, push down on the handle to the left ---well I did ...and now the damn thing keeps spinning! crap! any suggestions? can a lock smith get past this?