Recent content by WI-Guy

  1. W

    WI: WGO's radio ad attacking Dave Zien

    GOA links WGO as an RKBA site... Monkeyleg, maybe Larry Pratt should qualify his response that GOA has no affiliation with WGO. WGO is linted on GOA site and go halfway down the page. Maybe you could ask him about that?
  2. W

    WI: Green/Doyle debates, and CCW

    Help Wisconsin Elect Green! It is a tight enough race that all we need to have happen is every freedom-loving Wisconsinite vote. And we can all help get out the vote with simple acts. There is a big need for "get Out The Vote" efforts in the metro areas, so... If you are in Madison, call...
  3. W

    Kansas CCW legislation announced!

    I have a thought for you... I don't know how effective it was yet, but I have made up a little business card that I provided to the legislators when I snail mail them during the run up to our fight here in Wisconsin. The card simply has "No PPA = No Vote" emboldened and a tagline under it...