Alonzo Crull

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Sep 12, 2009
I thought that I would kick some dust off of the old thread but it's locked. It's been 5 years since I posted on that old thread. At that time I was hoping to eventually own one of his masterpieces. 5 years later and now I'm the proud owner of 5 of them. After many hours of research I have one question. Does anyone know much about the single shot target guns that he built? I have found very little about the target guns. I believe that somewhere along the line I heard that he was building the single shot target guns first and they didn't have serial numbers on them so the ATF came in and said the typical blah blah blah to him saying they must have serial numbers and everything needed to be reported and he would be under the ATF's eye constantly. Alonzo supposedly didn't like what they had to say and decided to work with existing guns that had serial numbers rather than conform to their regulations. Again this is what I've heard along the line somewhere. I've never seen another single shot target pistol for sale anywhere or seen one in person other than the one I own. I really don't understand my obsession with the old timer but whenever I pick up one of his guns I can't help but want to know more about him and his guns. The single shot that I have came from his late nephews auction a few years back in Huntingon Indiana. I realize I'm asking about single shot pistols rather than revolvers but I believe that I need to use the revolver links to get the attention.
Thanks for any info.
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