trying to find a quote

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Oct 14, 2003
by a russian officer concerning the fear of invading america because of private gun ownership. it is similar to the japanese admirals comment. i have seen it somewhere, i was discussing this with some anti's and needed it to bolister a point.

does anyone have it handy? thanks
Is there a link to the Japanese officer's comment? I have heard of it, but the source was somewhat obscure.
“We were not such fools as to step in quicksand so easily.”

Only one I've seen was quoted in a gun mag sometime back. I don't have the original, but here's my paraphrase:

Some years back, there was a reunion of the officers who had been present at the signing of the Japanese terms of surrender on the USS Missouri ending WW2. One of the American officers there asked a Japanese Naval Officer, “Why, when you had us in such a condition after Pearl Harbor, did you not invade the continental US?”

“We knew that you Americans keep guns in your homes,” the Japanese officer replied. “We were not such fools as to step in quicksand so easily.”
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