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4 Rules and a Paintball

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Yeah, He is a retard, but he probably wouldn't learn the 4 rules.

The first rule in paintball is if your working on one to turn off the power source and why would you ever look down the barrel?

Dumb kid. Darwin at his Finest by the way.
Am I alone in thinking this is staged? You never see his face after the shot, and it looks to me like the shot might have been just gas, no paintball.
the four rules require common sense, in fact thats all the 4 rules really are is common sense put down in the form of rules.

Common sense dictates that you don't look down the barrel of a paintball gun. Ever been hit with a paintball? It may not be the most painful thing around but it doesn't fall into my list of "I'd be ok getting hit in the eye with it" either.

Paintbal lalready has rules for safe handeling. You always wear your face mask, you always unload and disconect the gas before you work on it. He wont follow the simple rules of paintball and I doubt he would follow the four simple rules if oyu put a firearm into his hands.

You can't fix stupid....well not without a visit from Darwin anyway. I bet soo nas the pain went away he looked down the barrel agian to see if there was anything left.
Looks like an empty gun and a bit of powder down the barrel. Special effects.
You try to tell these idiots that a gun's a gun, and the rules still apply, and they just give you that stupid open-mouth look. And those paintballs are hard! My buddy owns a big paintball joint with indoor & outdoor arenas, and a covered observation area with picnic tables, where the players suit up and prepare for their games. I get a few old field paint balls from him now and then to glue to targets. My wife and I were there to watch one day, and although there's a rule about using a barrel condom at all times outside the playing field, only about half were using them, and I can't count the number of times these guys were sweeping me or each other. I started yelling, and was given the old "it's just a toy" excuse, until I pointed out that I didn't think my buddy, the owner, would no be inclined to agree (he's a long-time shooter and serious about weapon safety), and would they like me to check with him for them? The thing was, I can understand, sorta, when some kid sticks his head in his butt, but lots of these guys were my age and older, many claiming to be vets who definately should have known better. I know I still do...
Yeah definitely no paintball came out of the gun. If there was you would be able to see the paint splatter as it hit his face. And he was wearing a jacket which implies that its cold, and the co2 does condense as it expands, when its really cold its like snow.
I play amatuer baseball and one member of the team I coach has only one eye from a paintball accident. It happens in a blink and it lasts a lifetime.
A fake though it may be, this very thing has already happened.

Dipwad is trying out new marker.:rolleyes:
Dipwad's marker malfunctions. Dipwad, being a dipwad, decides to look down the tube.:confused:
The marker suddenly decides it wants to function.:eek:
Dipwad has eyeball uninstalled and, being a dipwad, installs paint ball in its place.:scrutiny:
MOD (Mother of Dipwad) decides to sue the manufacturer for 'faulty equipment'.:fire:

IIRC she won. This was a few years ago.:(

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