WARNING! Cartoon

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Feb 23, 2005
Los Estados Unidos
Comments on previous cartoon posting reveal several members do not like them. If you don't like cartoons, do not scroll down to look at this one.
At first I thought the box was a casket and didn't get it. Then I realized it was just a box and . . . mildly funny . . . to a narrow audience.
Mount whatever is in the box on a hummer then use the crate for a gun cabinet.
Guess that’d be semi-replacing.:p
I pride myself on having an excellent and diverse sense of humor and I love cartoons, but I have to admit that in this case I simply don't get the joke.
At first I thought the box was a casket and didn't get it.
Agreed.I have seen this cartoon before and thought the same thing, and thus, didn't get it.:eek:

I claim "poorly drawn and/or executed joke" as opposed to me being a dummy.:neener:

I guess you hadto come from a time and place where salesmen came door to door proclaiming their product to be the latest and greatest and would make all the other widgets to be obsolete. Couple that with the post regarding "where to hide guns and the message is clear. Not gut splitting funny but there after I decided it wasn't a coffin.:rolleyes:
I must say that my intelligence is so great and far beyond most, if not all people around me, that I find this "cartoon" incomprehensible. It is this previous knowledge that leads me to conclude that this "cartoon" was meant for the lower class audience.

Good day.:D
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