Gun control at its finest

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and it just goes to show you that if a person is screwd up in the head they are going to find away to carry out their evil ways

Goes to show the U.S. is not the only country whose citizens, often, will not stand united to stop an individual trying to carry out those evil ways! :mad:
Good gravy that is hidious. What the heck were the passengers doing? If they had thrown themselves at that lunatic the victim might still be alive. I'd rather die along side the victim in a fight if the worst came to the worst than run like a coward off the bus knowing that I'd done nothing.
Yeah, I read about that yesterday. That guy's a real depraved monster. Did it with a knife. Just horrible.

I don't care if he could have been stopped or not. Someone on that bus should have taken him apart.
yeah its seems to me that if there were guys on the bus that between them they could have at least stop him before he did the worst thing he did. if he was busy cutting then he wasn't paying any attention to other people so others could have at least stopped the beheading. May not have been able to save the guys life but stopped the grusesome part. most buses have fire extinguishers on them and most drives have a tool to check their tires and older ones had an ax mounted on them.
improvise ....adapt.... and over come
I just saw on the TV news that the perp has been charged with second-degree murder. SECOND DEGREE MURDER? That's murder without malice aforethought! What are those idiot prosecutors thinking of? If there was ever a case of FIRST degree murder, this is it. Are they saying that he didn't mean to kill the guy when he cut his head off?
I just saw on the TV news that the perp has been charged with second-degree murder. SECOND DEGREE MURDER?

That's nuts. Maybe he was off his medication or something. These days every time anything bad happens, people look to blame something, so lack of mood altering meds is not a stretch. People here in New Orleans find it reasonable to blame the Government for the fact that the city floods from time to time.
One could argue that if the perpetrador had been armed with a gun he could have shot everyone on the bus. So tough gun laws possibly saved dozens of lives. Just something to think about.
Clearly we must outlaw possesion not only of guns, but of knives, staves, walking sticks, Eating utensils, Piano Strings, Heck all kinds of threads can be spun together to be used for garrotes, so lets outlaw alll textiles along with Sheep, cotton and silkworms. Still, many people are killed by Dogs, Horses, Cattle and so on, so lets outlaw those as well.
Oh, i forgot the sizeable amount of people killed by other peoples bare hands every year, so why dont we just outright outlaw people from getting within twenty feet from other humans, without weapons they ought not to be able to hurt eachother from that distance.

Or, we could allow people to arm themselves and outlaw harming other people except in the defense of self or others.
cornman said:
One could argue that if the perpetrador had been armed with a gun he could have shot everyone on the bus. So tough gun laws possibly saved dozens of lives. Just something to think about.
One could then also argue that if people on the bus were allowed to carry and the perpetrator had a gun, an armed citizen could have cut his rampage short.
God help us all.

We as a society have brought this on ourselves by devaluing life to the point where more times than not, no one comes to the aid anyone being assaulted anymore. I don't want to get political, but you can draw a line from killing innocent babies (abortion) directly to this type of action. We are now reaping what society has been sowing.

If there was an armed passenger on this bus and he/she didn't come to this man's aid, then shame on him/her, along with every other butthead on the bus that allowed this to happen.
I doesn't matter where it happened. Canada, England, France or The U.S. SCKimberFan hit it on the head. Peoples mindsets of not getting involved unless it directly affects them will be one of the downfalls of our society. The guy had a knife. 2 or 3 people could have overpowered him.

9/11 hit this country hard. Maybe that in addition to the American Spirit would make this slightly less likely to happen in the U.S. but apathy is still prevalent here.
I doesn't matter where it happened. Canada, England, France or The U.S. SCKimberFan hit it on the head. Peoples mindsets of not getting involved unless it directly affects them will be one of the downfalls of our society. The guy had a knife. 2 or 3 people could have overpowered him.
Well, you know what this means, right?
Someday, someone on this forum, reading this post, will probably witness an incident as grave as this.
If that ends up being you (or me), then do not do your country and your people a disservice. Fight back. Even if it threatens your life. Be someone's hero.
I'm not kidding.
It is not dead in this country. You mentioned 9/11. Well, on 9/11 do not forget that there were people on United Flight 93 who gave their lives to save others.
If you are seeing a lack of heroes and real men in this country, then fix it. Be the example.
I'll probably get flamed here.
Devaluing life is not new to this society.
It is the Entire History of Mankind. Be it Governments, Corporations, and Mankind in general. Our own Governments devalues it's citizens, or we would have no need argue for RKBA.
The infrastructure of this country was built with human were other countries.
It's nothing new.
Sometimes I think we value the wrong life too much. Just because you are alive doesn't mean your life has value. It's what you do with your life, and how you treat your fellow man, as to your value. How many criminals have been let free, or so-called rehabilitated that have continued to commit crime after serious crime.
I don't know Canada's laws but I think that in this country this animal on the bus would have been deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. Put into a mental lock down. Doctors would stick a telescope in his head, read what's written on the back of his skull, give him some drugs to where the the words changed to an acceptable level, eventually release him. Tell him to be a good boy and take his drugs. While we as unsuspecting public go about our business of life until this guy does it again.
As for people in general coming to the aid of another. Part of this is the legal ramifications of helping someone else. This is from personal experience: A family member is a RN. She was witness to a motorcycle accident. The bike was leaking gas all over the driver. She was afraid of a spark and the hot engine, so she dragged him from under the bike, which did catch fire. She saved his life but got sued for the spinal injuries, that probably occured in the accident anyway, but his lawyer convinced a jury that it was happened due to her intervening and pulling him to safety.
It's no wonder that when the sheeple are afraid to intervene, and the rest are afraid of being sued into poverty, that no one helps.

OK Flame AWAY!!!!!:scrutiny:
Devaluing life is not new to this society.
No, no it's not new.
Sometimes I think we value the wrong life too much. Just because you are alive doesn't mean your life has value. It's what you do with your life, and how you treat your fellow man, as to your value. How many criminals have been let free, or so-called rehabilitated that have continued to commit crime after serious crime.
+1. In the most basic sense, those who are criminals and put themselves in harm's way for gain (and are not sufficiently skilled at it) are unfit for the gene pool, and in a truly Darwinian society, would become extinct.
It is rather unfortunate that we do not belong to a truly Darwinian society...
As for people in general coming to the aid of another. Part of this is the legal ramifications of helping someone else. This is from personal experience: A family member is a RN. She was witness to a motorcycle accident. The bike was leaking gas all over the driver. She was afraid of a spark and the hot engine, so she dragged him from under the bike, which did catch fire. She saved his life but got sued for the spinal injuries, that probably occured in the accident anyway, but his lawyer convinced a jury that it was happened due to her intervening and pulling him to safety.
Sadly, you are correct. However, I have been paid the kindness of having my life saved, and I will never hesitate to save another's. I wish you all the fortitude to do the same, legal ramifications be damned. Oh, and I also wish you a good judge.
I'm sure some are just missing a spoke at birth but let's face it many more are products of envirnoment. Look at the increase in violent crimes, murdering of spouses and suicides of and by vets during VN and now this present fiasco.
Many are effected for life.... aren't given the proper medical/mental attention and returned to society........ tickin':eek:

There's no free lunch!

Good Samaritan

I have been told that there is a Good Samaritan Law that prevents lawsuits against a bystander who tries to save someone.
Just recently in a CPR class, this question came up and the answer was that you cannot be sued for trying to help/save somebody.
Any lawyers want to contribute an opinion?

The law does not cover professionals, like a doctor or paramedic.
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No cornman, if they all had guns, they could have shot him for even trying to stab someone
No amount of guns would have helped the guy missing a head. Nothing short of a chainmail turtleneck would have been of much help.
The first knife thrust into his sleeping neck pretty much sealed his fate.

Absolutely 100% correct!

you are right about the Good Samaritan law
Unless it happened a long time ago or in another country I have difficulty believing that story. I have been a Paramedic for 15 years. The Good Samaritan would have protected her. One of the contraindications to using a backboard would be a fire or threat of one.
As far as someone taking this guy apart. Lets see. This whole thing got noticed AFTER the attack started. I am willing to bet that the victim was stabbed three or four times before anyone could have reacted. THe guy has a knife with a huge blade, you are in close confines ie: bus. The victim is DEAD. If the attack was not stopped with the first or second stab the guy is going to bleed out into his chest. One guy said after the scream he looked to see the attacker with a BLOODY knife stabbing the guy in the chest. Sorry guys they are a long way from a hospital. So we have a couple of options. Add another victim, Lets examine this. There is already a lot of blood. There is the threat of HIV and or Hepatitis. If you go after this guy you will get cut, Chuck Norris would get cut, so there will be a exchange of blood to some extent. If he gets a artery in your forearm can you stop the bleeding and retreat? Remember the original victim is dead. Nothing you are going to do is going to change that. Now will killing this guy make you feel good? Is it worth taking the risk of leaving your wife and kids without a husband and father. The people on the bus, in my very humble opinion, did the exact right thing. The victim was dead, the original stab was to the throat then the chest. They contained the bad guy and kept him from hurting anyone else. Now maybe one of you out there is a high speed low drag spec ops warrior who used to be a trauma surgeon and you joined up after 9/11 to do your patriotic duty. Maybe you can kill the bad guy with one hand while using your swiss army knife and sewing kit to save the victim with the other. Mere mortals like me would be better off trying to contain the bad guy.

The reaction on the bus was perfectly normal.
Most people will not get involved.

Here is why:

Perfectly normal...... for today. I can just see it now. Therapist to passenger "Mr Able Body, it's fine you did nothing. It's perfectly normal. See over here, we have a theory where bystanders to an incident shed responsibility to the next bystander and so on. No one does anything and its just normal. Sure back in the day when society hadn't developed this perverse trait it would have been abnormal to do nothing and likely the murderer would have been shot to shreds by ye old six guns. However due to the degeneration of society and lack of belief in God people are awefully afraid of death and will try and preserve their own lives at any cost, even when a man is screaming like something between a "dog howling and a baby crying" as he is attacked. So don't worry about it sir, you are just the reflection of society and perfectly normal.

No amount of guns would have helped the guy missing a head. Nothing short of a chainmail turtleneck would have been of much help.
The first knife thrust into his sleeping neck pretty much sealed his fate.

Yeah that's what some people would like to think as they flee to save themselves. The fact of the matter is if a person was in that situation and heard and saw the attack they wouldn't know if one stab had finished off that guy. For all they know, and you know, he could have been stabbed elsewhere as the attack continued. As for me I don't care if one slash killed that guy or not, doing the right thing is not something I'm scared of even if death is around the corner because I know I'm in the Big Guy's hands death or no death.
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