Best gun sock with preservative?

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any with silicon is good. and allways save silicon bags, out of electronic stuff, or new clothes, and throw them in there. and when you buy foreign rifles, especially russian, they comewith brown paper, that is chem treated vapor, keep the paper. and you can get emiiter wipes, clothes that are impregnated with the same chemical. and you can get the old military ' elephant rubbers' a plastic bag that did the same trick, most greatly.
Lastly do a search for vci emitter discs, they are the kings. I put them in every rifle bag I own. I put one in a bag with fur in it, with a 70 year old marlin, 22, that had no bluing, in the back of a trunk of a car, with a leaky trunk, from winter, for the next 3 months, until summer.
Pulled the rifle out of the bag... not one spot of rust!!!!!
also , if you can find a preserve call Eezox, this has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, if looking for a liquid to put on your rifles, the absolute best liquid rust inhibitor out there, and I believe it. Someone here actually showed results with about 10 other liquids; breakfree, clp, it-25, wd 40, a whole bunch of stuff, and left steel products in water, freezing water, salt water, with all kinds of crap dumped on them.
Point is, the eezox was allways the best, and the others weren't even close, not even in the same ballpark.
The best? No idea, I have a 1/2 dozen or so I bought from the Sportsmans Guide at least 15 years ago, no complaints. The new ones I was looking at from Cabelas have the same look and feel to them.

Certain rifles I "sock" in the safe because I don't want them getting banged around. As far as corrosion protection, who knows? Everything of mine gets cleaned/inspected roughly every 6 suprises un-socking a rifle yet.

I also use them on occasion on range days when I don't feel like lugging a gun case, just have it in a sock.
I have done my own corrosion tests and I can tell you the silicone itself does very little to keep rust away. The reason the socks are effective is mostly because they keep dust off the firearm. The dust is what draws moisture from the air and holds it against the steel causing rust. If you can keep a gun dust free you need very little preservative to stave off rust.

The VCI socks are good but remember VCI goes away over time so eventually you will have to add your own Inhibitor chips or similar to keep VCI near your gun. Your best bet would be take any sock, silicone or VCI and buy a pack of Inhibitor cardboard chips and add one to every sock, replacing yearly. Just make sure the card isn't directly contacting steel or it could discolor the gun over MANY years in storage. A gun stored in the sock this way with some BF CLP, Eezox, Gun Grease, Gunslick Gun Seal etc. would remain rust free for at least 5 to 10 years in a dry environment in my estimation.

The bottom line is it doesn't matter what type of sock you have. It's what other things you do that can make a difference.
Horsemany is right here; I have all my weapons treated in a liquid of some sort. then I put them in either gunsocks, or elephant rubbers. then I put vci discs in each bag. they look better than new.

Carters country, here in houston, sells vci rags, and card board chips, of the vci, I have both.
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