MercWorx Knives

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Dec 28, 2006
thinking about droppin for a MercWorx Sniper, Chilipepper handle in S30V - all the reviews sound pretty good, love the lines and i want a huge knife. going to forgo the Chris Reeve Mark VI or Shadow IV i was originally thinking of getting as my camp knife (see below).

i like the sniper over the equatorian and mercworx models because its a bit trimmer (width, not thickness). its the same price as the equatorian though, and id gain 1" blade length. just dont like that its 3/4"ish wider, again i like the trimness of the sniper. but i could be persuaded otherwise...

any others to consider in this price range? just looking for a big, bad, beautiful hunk of steel, ideally 0.25" thick. will use during camping (saw hso's comment on that, not being able to pound on the top spine since its double bladed) but mostly itll be sitting at home as a "home defense" knife :rolleyes: i wanted a graham entry/combat razel but no dice right now. relentless m1 commando/m9 sniper or trident oberland 03/tcfm xl?

1/4" thick slab of S30V is just tooooo damn sexy.
It looks 'purty' as a fighter blade but I don't think it's useful as a real outdoors/survival knife.

Doesn't look balanced for chopping, couldn't skin anything with the tip and why the double-edge?
now im thinking the new Proeliator, which is their biggest one. better length/width ratio than the equatorian which is good. gonna think on it a bit, look for something better or an alternative, but if it cant be trumped... guess i know what im getting myself for christmas :evil:
a ton of money for a not so practical thing. S30V is a wonderful steel, but every thing I have seen in it is a dog to sharpen and a lot have had troubles with the blade micro chiping, becoming in effect, little serrated edges. Camp knifes like a Bark River, or Dozier or any one of a hundred other makes would make a lot more sense.

I don't know where you are, but in a lot of places, double edged knifes are illegal, and frankly I see no point in one except in a fighter, and even then, the negatives exceed the positives.

If it's going to be a "Home Defense" knife than definitely get whatever tickles your fancy. For me it would most likely be one of Spencer's bigger offerings

I'd also suggest looking at David Mosier's knives.

As mentioned above, for a camp knife, you will probably want a single primary edge, chopping power, and ease of field sharpening. My preference is a kukri, but that's just me. Whatever you get, make sure you share pictures of it!

It doesn't need to be sharpened after years of heavy use cutting through tree trunks, metal door, corrugated steel, etc? Sounds as if it's made from unobtainium?

hso, does its quality equal claims such as these?
For those prices you'd be better off with the 6" Fighter I make ($250 with Kydex) or a 7" Super Camp made of 1/4" D2, also $250 but that's plus the sheath. These will last as long as any knife and your kids and grandkids will be using it.
If you have to defend your home with a knife your layered defense has failed. And I just noticed this thread is 15 months old.
"For real outdoor use. You don't want a mallninja fantasy knife with the words "merc" or "ubertactical" or "combat" or something like that in the name."

357wheelgunner: I had to take the time to make an account here to say this to you. If you used one of these knives you would see why we pay $500 for them. I have used my Mercworx sniper to cut straight through metal doors and cut the knob/lock out when 2 girls were locked into a storage room by a... well enough of that. But as I was saying, these knives may have a nerdy weird name but believe me, or call mercworx, and you will see these are mercenaries(and ex mercs) who made a perfect knife made for survival and most importantly fighting. This is the best of the best. Friend has had his for 7 years and never had to sharpen it after extreme use, cutting trees and everyhting. I have had mine for 2 and havent had to sharpen. Blade is still razor sharp. Well next time think before you go and diss something you dont know about.

My comment got removed probably for being offensive. But in defense of a mercworx knife, its a speciality knife good for your situation. If you can fight better with a single blade knife then go with it. If you know how to use the dagger style mercworx you can do some real damage. Also, the knife is freaking 12 inches long so forget taking it with you for legal self defense, many peopel would go with a shorter smaller concealed one(like the mercworx seraphym(spelling)). I could defend my home with the knife(defend=sit there and pounce on the guy), but its no substitue for a firearm. This is an everything knife, focused a little towards fighting. Note the galdius style shape for a wide deep wound. Downside is its like $400-500 bucks. Main strength of it, I'd say is that it will never crap out on you when you need it out in the feild/whatever. Unpracticle for many people, but perfect for others.

They're everything they say they are, making allowance for ad agency hyperbole. Yep, they're good enough that I'd carry one, but then I have plenty that I'm already happy with.
They seem to be high quality, but overpriced and I find them ugly.


I actually like the way they look. Chocolate and Vanilla I suppose.

OTOH, there are plenty of knives out there that will do what the Mercworx knives will do, as well as they do it and for less. Not a 10th of the price, but certainly 3/4 of the price. In the bigger knife arena there isn't a long list of competitors that aren't close to the price.
I have used my Mercworx sniper to cut straight through metal doors and cut the knob/lock out when 2 girls were locked into a storage room by a... well enough of that.

you will see these are mercenaries(and ex mercs) who made a perfect knife made for survival and most importantly fighting. This is the best of the best.

Do you work for Extreme Shock? I don't suppose these knives put out an expanding rotational cone of NyTrilium matrix particles, huh?

What ever happened to, "It's a great knife. I've used it and I vouch for it."

I've never known we had so many mercenaries living amongst us.

Friend has had his for 7 years and never had to sharpen it after extreme use, cutting trees and everyhting

Wow. A knife that doubles as a chainsaw.

Now, granted, I'm not some super-awesome mercenary. I did something even crazier than that and actually pledged my allegiance to my country as a US Marine. But I'd say I know a thing or two about knives.

One of those two things is that if you regularly cut down trees and hack through steel doors, eventually you're going to have to sharpen it. I don't care if you use D2ATS34VG10CPM134M2WICKEDNASTYPUPPYCUTTING steel forged by Masamune and heat treated by a futuristic Paul Boz sent in by time machine.

Wear is an absolute. Nothing is exempt. The wind itself can erode a mountain. A steel door will eventually wear the edge of a steel blade.

Finally, when people ask me what I did in the Marine Corps, my patented answer is to shrug and say, "Ahhh you know. The usual." I hope you don't mind, though, I may start using the line about hacking through doors to rescue damsels in distress.
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Think nothing of it.

Sometimes I get this hunch that some of these guys are a little closer to special ed than special forces
Maelstrom, Oh yeah! Oh Yeah! Well my blades are in fact made of the 'Best' NH Trilium and I expect a new batch sometime in early Spring. This comes in white with a crimson trace and plain old Stinking Benjamin maroon. I of couse blendit on the forge with the correrct amounts of Unobtainium, so the steel is self re-newing, not self healing, because you want new not healed.

With one of these blades you can sharpen penicils in Hawii something that was possible until recently with any old folder, but no more. These blades will withstand vigouse throwing, and is put to best use to prevent ideas on post it notes from making any escape as seen on TV no less.

Yup thats right, on the tv add it is one of my blades sticking that post it note. That particular note was a terrorist note, written by Ali Whosbeenfarting.

I am probably the only one in the world who acutually knows just how many tooth picks there are in a Giant Sequoia, but this information is pryoretical however you speel it.

I also know how many in theory granite tooth picks there would be in El Capitain, but at this time can not get the proper permits from the Govenor in Cali to whittle El Capitain down for private profit, which would bail out Cali with ease. How I know is the good Gonvenor his ol self stole me a hunk and I whittle that hunk out with one of my blades, and was able to ponder sum on it and came up with how many. And of course none of this created any harm to 'my' blade because it self renewed. :D
357wheelgunner: I had to take the time to make an account here to say this to you. If you used one of these knives you would see why we pay $500 for them. I have used my Mercworx sniper to cut straight through metal doors and cut the knob/lock out when 2 girls were locked into a storage room by a... well enough of that. But as I was saying, these knives may have a nerdy weird name but believe me, or call mercworx, and you will see these are mercenaries(and ex mercs) who made a perfect knife made for survival and most importantly fighting. This is the best of the best. Friend has had his for 7 years and never had to sharpen it after extreme use, cutting trees and everyhting. I have had mine for 2 and havent had to sharpen. Blade is still razor sharp. Well next time think before you go and diss something you dont know about.

My comment got removed probably for being offensive. But in defense of a mercworx knife, its a speciality knife good for your situation. If you can fight better with a single blade knife then go with it. If you know how to use the dagger style mercworx you can do some real damage. Also, the knife is freaking 12 inches long so forget taking it with you for legal self defense, many peopel would go with a shorter smaller concealed one(like the mercworx seraphym(spelling)). I could defend my home with the knife(defend=sit there and pounce on the guy), but its no substitue for a firearm. This is an everything knife, focused a little towards fighting. Note the galdius style shape for a wide deep wound. Downside is its like $400-500 bucks. Main strength of it, I'd say is that it will never crap out on you when you need it out in the feild/whatever. Unpracticle for many people, but perfect for others.

Welcome to the High Road.

Instant respect for actually posting this in the thread. That takes a lot more guts than just firing nasty PMs.
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