Pics of your gun that stays by the computer

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Aug 3, 2009
Most of us spend a fair amount of time at the computer. Our back is turned away from possible threats such as a home invader/robber (yea yea, I know, it will never ever happen and thinking about it is "paranoia"). While on the computer, our minds get engrossed, and should the lights go out, or some situation arise where we need a gun quickly, being at a computer desk puts us in a rather weak position. So, how many of us keep a gun buy the computer? Pics.

Taurus .357 7 shot:
I like my computer desk setup because I'm facing the entrance to the room. I have windows on my left and right, but nothing but wall behind me. Any way someone is going to sneak up on me is to come crashing through the window ninja style!
I like my computer desk setup because I'm facing the entrance to the room. I have windows on my left and right, but nothing but wall behind me. Any way someone is going to sneak up on me is to come crashing through the window ninja style!
So you have a visual benefit, but is there a gun by the computer?
Here is a picture I just took of myself at the computer. Please excuse the sweatpants and socks as I am a lazy SOB and I like comfort in my life. You can see my carry gun still in its holster as well as a mini revolver close at hand.

BTW: You can see THR on the computer screen. The post shown is the one directly above mine.


Not to mention this lethal weapon on her favorite bed.

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Used to keep a S&W 5906 in the desk, but after my little episode that I detailed in my other thread, I've secured all the guns around the house until I'm sure things have calmed down. Right now, I'm toting my 4516 around the house.
Hey earl, the sweats were kinda funny. I respect posting in comfort, the clear pictures, the nice holster, the quality revolvers, and the sweet dog. I'm just curious about running windows 2000 and that crt monitor :D
My Glock 27 is in my pocket holster when I'm awake at home. A pic wouldn't show any pics of my gun because it's concealed. The way my desk is positioned, a human cannot enter my home office without me seeing them.

For those who criticize those who carry at home, I've had a few occasions in the last few years when I was glad I had a gun on my right there. (I live in a good neighborhood.) I'd bet anybody reading this post has also had such occasions if you're honest with yourself.
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I have a gun by the computer, the toilet, the kitchen, the basement the garage, my car... everwhere I go. But, it happens to be the same gun :)
I'm just curious about running windows 2000 and that crt monitor

It is the classic view of WinXP. I have no excuse for the CRT monitor except it was better than any LCD 2 years ago. Except for the weight. Now I am married to it.

What I want to know is, what dies the puppy carry?


I have posted this pic in the past and if you are picky you will know that this is my carry gun from the first picture so there is a break in continuity in my story....but you asked and I delivered.
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I don't "keep" a gun by the puter, there's usually one on the desk for some odd reason... usually cleaning, packing a range bag, or had I came home and de-holstered for around the house comfort (full framed Taurus 24/7 not the most comfortable CCW).
I don't keep a gun by the computer, either.

What kind of sites are you guys visiting..?! :uhoh:
Mossberg 88 leans against my desk with the stock extended at all times. However, I'm rarely at my desk, and prefer to use my laptop in the living room on the couch. At which point my XD is on me, or sat on the coffee table.

I am facing the door to my reloading/computer room/man cave. I have a couple of loaded rifles handy in that room. As long as one "safe" is open, I can get to one of them in a few seconds. If not, I can get to one of them pretty fast because it is in a RSC with a keypad lock. That was one of the the main reasons of getting a relatively cheap RSC with a keypad lock. I can have a couple of loaded guns where I can get them very quickly, without glasses if need be.
Well, I don't have a pic of it by the CPU. I usually am online before or after work so whatever is in the holster is there with me. Usually this G27, sometimes a S&W mod 19 or Beretta 96G. If it is sitting by the CPU it is usually being worked on, researched or photographed.

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