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There is something about a beautiful woman in a dress....especially with a firearm!

Wonderful work, as usual. I need to e-mail you about Reshay's photos, as well.... ;)
Since TN doesn't actually have "bars" under the law (gotta serve food to get a license to serve alcohol), should it just be left with restaurants?
Start with the positive, great photos Oleg!

I'm sure my opinion is not popular but, if you need to carry, isn't hanging out in bars is a bad idea?
In fact I don't like restaurants that look more like bars that happen to serve food, if it wern't for the girls I would not even eat at Hooters. Mostly the noise level is far too high for me to enjoy myself or the companionship of those I'm with.
The story of the woman's husband's murder was in a recent USCCA magazine. She and her husband work the karaoke circuit which takes place mostly in bars.

[Reader's Digest version] She was working when a stalker came up, struck up a conversation with her husband to put him at ease, then stepped back and shot him from behind. She saw the whole thing happen, start to finish.

Metalhead, most of the carry prohibitions are on liquor serving establishments not just bars or restuarants that look like bars. Applebees, Chili's, and Olive Garden are family orientated restuarants that all serve alcohol on the premises and in most states that is enough to prohibit CCW. Heck my favorite local BBQ joint serves beer on premisies and that is enough to prohibit CCW, even though in my state it is already illegal to CCW and drink.

Sorry for the thread jack. Nice photos as always Oleg.
I'm sure my opinion is not popular but, if you need to carry, isn't hanging out in bars is a bad idea?

Why would it be? If you're drinking, you should either be mature enough to stop before you get drunk, or not carry if you intend on overdoing it a bit. Other than that, how would it be any different than carrying anywhere else?
Agreeing with MetalHead: There are a few things I quit doing and places I quit going when I started carrying regularly.

Doesn't mean I still don't have fun, just a different kind.
Agreeing with MetalHead: There are a few things I quit doing and places I quit going when I started carrying regularly.

I didn't frequent bars before I started to carry, and I still don't now. That said, if I happen to have business at a bar, such as picking up a friend or meeting someone there, it makes no sense that I should be compelled by law to disarm, especially since I have no intention of imbibing alcohol.
Hello friends and neighbors // The first one says it all for me.

Once you take on the protection of others your whole world changes.

I enjoy seeing young folks get into shooting and sterotypes being shattered concerning beautiful women and weapons too, very nice posters.

We have the restaurant/bar issue here in SC, just another place where BGs have safer predation, glad to see it being brought up.
Unless the model is the actual woman whose husband was murdered I think the text should be re-worded. You are combining journalism with art in this instance and if she is not the actual person you are not being journalistically accurate. Someone somewhere (outside the gun community) will do the research and if that's not the same person the entire image will be discredited...the important message notwithstanding. And once that is done then the whole body of work will be under scrutiny.

BTW-I think the AK silhouette against the sunset is terrific.
I really like the one of the guy outlined holding an AK with Aimpoint Micro.

I dislike the one with the M4. It's too military and doesn't promote civilian firearms ownership. Just change what the model is wearing. Your theme usually promotes non-military firearms use and I'm wondering why you went that direction.

The photos of the beautiful ladies are good.
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