NH man gets 3-6 for threatening a trespasser with gun

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The reasonableness of empowering the Army and the Navy, etc. to do what is necessary to defend our military capabilities, the defense of which is essential to our national security, should be obvious.

On the other hand, establishing limits on the use of deadly force by individual citizens is absolutely necessary for any kind of order and safety in society.
So national security is worth taking human life over, but personal security is not?
No double standard--just different needs.

In other words, the government's property needs to be protected more vigorously than a private citizens'. Gotcha.
Posted by General Geoff: So national security is worth taking human life over, but personal security is not?
If your personal security is so threatened to the extent that you are in imminent danger of death or serous bodily harm, you may avail yourself of whatever means are immediately necessary to protect yourself.

In other words, the government's property needs to be protected more vigorously than a private citizens'.
You did specify military installations.
Posted by General Geoff: Yes, I did [specify military installations]. And I stand by my statement: Double standard.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but most people who have been schooled in legal theory in any century going back to the time of the writing of The Canterbury Tales would see it quite differently.
Kleanbore, just because the history of law and civil society is at peace with the double standard, does not mean the double standard does not exist.

The difference is that I find it to be unconscionable, whereas apparently the majority of legal scholars and judges think it is acceptable, for better or worse.
I bet people said the same thing to MLK Jr.

I don't pretend to entertain the notion that I'm as motivated and passionate about my cause as MLK Jr. was, but I just want to point out that one man can drastically alter the system, with enough mettle and conviction.

If you feel that you should be justified in killing someone to preserve your belongings or for trespassing -- or you believe that the military should not be allowed to threaten deadly force to prevent unauthorized entry into military installations -- call your congressman. (Or, march from Selma to Montgomery with as many folks as you can find to agree with you.)

Until then, read your state laws until you understand them utterly (get help from a lawyer if possible), and if the need ever arises, act with the most conservative interpretation of those laws in mind if you want to stay out of jail.
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