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  1. ojibweindian

    Memorial Day

    Me, too. Always have, even before my Dad passed.
  2. ojibweindian

    The most important strategy, ignored?

    De-escalation isn't formulaic; it's heuristic. Involves an awful lot of "people skills" and these aren't easy to teach. Just gotta be able to "read the room" and act accordingly with the understanding that it's all, at best, an educated guess.
  3. ojibweindian

    Carry Concealment

    I'm being somewhat facitious. But I'll bet it's true. How do I know? I don't; just a SWAG based on personal observation. Can't count how many times people cluelessly have walked by open carriers I've seen.
  4. ojibweindian

    Carry Concealment

    I'd bet most didn't noticed, and those that did cared not.
  5. ojibweindian

    Carry Concealment

    I conceal an XD 45 Tactical, and a Glock 17 in the summer wearing solid colored tucked t-shirts with a matching short-sleeved button-up shirt (unbuttoned) or, when wanting to be a bit more formal, dress shirt, jeans, and a lightweight sport coat.
  6. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    Yep. Also, anyone believe the official inflation and unemployment statistics? Trust, but verify. Verify an awful lot.
  7. ojibweindian

    A spare reload if needed

    why would you care what they're carrying?
  8. ojibweindian

    Alert Systems in Home Invasion

    Small dogs. That's my alert system. Neighbors have a few, and I've got one. Pretty reliable.
  9. ojibweindian

    Beyond "a Gun for Protection"

    Second the "don't go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things". Another bit of advice is house/room clearing sucks. Oh, and lawyers are expensive. From Paul the Apostle: "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." That's probably the best...
  10. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    Certain areas of Portland Oregon were seriously dangerous back in the 80s. From what I’ve heard from friends in Portland, it’s not any better.
  11. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    That is situationally dependent. I know my line in the sand; willingly shall deal with the consequences. Others must make their own determinations.
  12. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    At some point, though, someone has to stand up.
  13. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    I do not. I can only say with certainty that the jury was hung.
  14. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    Neither did they acquit; hung jury isn’t necessarily encouraging.
  15. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    I was referring to the Arizona case. And making a bit of a snide comment about the cluelessness of people, in general.
  16. ojibweindian

    The Knock-Out Game

    Agree. The risks can only be mitigated, not eliminated.
  17. ojibweindian

    The Knock-Out Game

    I asked it. Fundamentally, the "Knockout Game" is an ambush. Those can happen anywhere. The only counters I'm aware of are to keep heads on a swivel, and keep enough distance between yourself and everybody else. The only risk mitigation I can think of is to stay away from densely populated...
  18. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    The only thing I've learned is that "a jury of your peers" isn't comforting. Too many stupid ******.
  19. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    Care to elaborate? Because those tells aren’t always there.
  20. ojibweindian

    Things to Not Do

    so what about "knock-out" games? let 'em get close for that, too?