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  1. J

    How do you secure your weapon in your vehicle?

    Yes, its possibly based on location. Smash and grab thefts are quick and easy for most thieves. It doesn't matter if your car is locked or not. If you leave a valuable item within plain view (computer, phone, etc) all they have to do is smash your windows and grab the items. In a large...
  2. J

    Wearing gloves while cleaning guns

    Do you wear eyes and ears when you shoot??? Its about being safe, not about being wimps. Many of us here work hard labor too. I've worked landscaping, work on my cars, paint my home, etc. I also work in the medical field so wearing gloves is second nature for me. I usually wear gloves...
  3. J

    How do you secure your weapon in your vehicle?

    If thieves want your stuff, they can just as easily just break your window--happens all the time. This is how most thefts happen anyway. They don't need a fancy scanner to steal your alarm signal. Buddy of mine just got his laptop stolen in his car a few days ago. Quick smash and grab. So...
  4. J

    Picking one of these 7.62 rifles:

    SCAR17. Lightweight, reliable, and have great service history. Its also compact with the folding stock mech. If you've ever held one, it almost feels like a toy because its so light for a 308. Yes its pricey, but worth it IMO
  5. J

    Folding AR info/advice

    The LAW folder is your best option. A little pricey but worth the money if you can afford it.
  6. J

    300 yard indoor rifle range?

    They already have those. There is one here in FL with a gun shop, lounge, and restaurant although its only 50yards. The place does have some strict rules though (like no steel core/case ammo) and expensive fees so I've only gone a couple of times. There's another place in Tampa that is...
  7. J

    300 yard indoor rifle range?

    Any indoor range needs the same requirements for the ceiling and walls to catch any stray bullets anyway. As mentioned, the cost of outfitting a large warehouse would be enormous. Noise pollution would be your last concern, and most of these warehouses would not be in residential areas...
  8. J

    Absolutely No Live Ammunition In The Training Area.

    Enforce the no-ammo rule. You can simply have the instructors check each person as they enter to ensure that their weapon is unloaded.
  9. J

    How much are we willing to give up?

    Yes it can change, through the proper process and channels. It seems recently that many lawmakers try to propose anti-gun bills, which can or can't go through based on how they approach/apply it. What I meant is that, while the Constitution may change, it should've be considered outdated...
  10. J

    So are Americans actually really anti gun?

    Exactly. If we can save just one life from drunk driving, we should ban all cars. But yet, cars are still being used daily.
  11. J

    So are Americans actually really anti gun?

    Those stats that they mention are usually highly inaccurate and biased. As an example, they may take poll of only 1000 US residents in a particular area. So if they polled 1000 New Yorkers, and 900 are anti-gun, then they can prove their point (which is completely manipulated of course)...
  12. J

    Mossberg 12g shockwave

    Read below: Accuracy is the topic, not rate of fire. If you shoot the same results with the shockwave as with a stocked shotgun on a single shot, then it does what it needs to. If I wanted to shoot faster, I'd use a semiauto. For that reason I have a Saiga12 gauge. But the S12 is insanely...
  13. J

    AR 9

    I've always wanted an AR9, never really got around to it. Although I've owned Glocks, it just wasn't useful for me when I can shoot the Glock or the AR15's I already own. Its still a good option if you have the extra cash. I have a 22LR conversion on my AR15 and its way cheaper to shoot...
  14. J

    Wouldn't 5 be enough?

    Those are some terrible odds. So If my city has 230k residents, a ton of us will be in that percentage. If you are in NYC with 5million people, you are basically screwed. They say you're not a real New Yorker until you get mugged. That sounds pretty bad... and why I don't live there...
  15. J

    Wouldn't 5 be enough?

    Let me pose a question in response: You only have 5 rounds total on your firearm. You have to go through a bad area at least once during the week. There may be gangs/criminals/bad guys in that area you cannot avoid because it is en route to your work, your home, whatever. Do you feel you...
  16. J

    Time to go on offense to take care of this mass shooting problem

    Allowing teachers to carry is still much better than the alternative. Some schools already allow this e.g. Texas. Training is required for those who choose to carry. FYI police officers are only required to train/qualify once a year ( at least in my county ). As a civilian, I train way...
  17. J

    School system bans back packs or book bags

    I'm curious how they want kids to carry their school supplies and numerous books to school. I remember my school days. There's no way I can carry all those books by hand. I recently went back to college and even if I just have a laptop to bring to class, I still use a backpack for other...
  18. J

    Destruction/disposal of firearms

    +10000 Its actually quite naive (and frankly stupid) to destroy your own guns. You paid for them. There are many other ways to dispose of firearms eg. sell and make money instead of cutting it up and putting the video on the internet for all to see how dumb you are. Maybe some of you have...
  19. J

    NRA spokeswoman confronted with the facts on the assault weapons ban. She had no answers.

    These media sources are usually biased one way or the other. Even if the figures changed during and after the AWB, it does not change the fact that criminals can get guns and do not follow laws. So what's their point??? Are they saying that somehow badguys couldn't get AR's during the AWB...
  20. J

    How much are we willing to give up?

    Yep, I don't think its that hard to understand what I meant. No I'm not giving up any guns, AR15's, or any part of my rights. Its that simple.