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  1. G

    Any runners on the forum? SD tools while running.

    I'm not sure if this is addressed to me or not. Nonetheless, you raise a good point. My situational awareness - having run this route roughly 300 times in the last two years at all times of day and evening without even something as "valuable" as a cheap music player - tells me that the threats...
  2. G

    Any runners on the forum? SD tools while running.

    Where did I say I insist on only carrying a knife? Hint: I never said any such thing. I can't believe you couldn't figure that out on your own through basic reading comprehension. Have you conducted a poll, or is this just more of you substituting your opinion for other people's judgement...
  3. G

    A view from the other side of the fence.

    WHAT?!?!! A Liberal who supports gun rights and demonstrates there is common ground between liberals and conservatives on the issue? How can this be????
  4. G

    Any runners on the forum? SD tools while running.

    The Kimberly pepper blaster will fit in the pocket of my running shorts. So it looks like the best option thus far. Thanks to all who alerted me to it and other viable options. Steve. Thanks for the heads up. Yes. Changing pace among runs is one way to train. (Please note I clarified what I...
  5. G

    One Of THR Advertisers Has 22 LR

    Ha! No sale.
  6. G

    Any runners on the forum? SD tools while running.

    Jeez. Did you actually read what John wrote? I can't speak for him, but I think he was saying leadcounsel's "sympathies are obviously unneccessary, pretentious, and boorish." Let's make this clear: (1) If I wanted a recommendation for a gun to carry while running or how best to carry a gun...
  7. G

    Public Ranges--do you trust them?

    I'll +1 on the quality of Missouri's public ranges. And the ones I've been to are very well run by some hard-case guys who do not truck with rule violations. I've never been to the MO DOC range where someone was not thrown out for violating a safety procedure the first time. "Action closed...
  8. G

    Any runners on the forum? SD tools while running.

    Again, I thought this said "non-firearm weapons." You are free to run 26 miles or 2 and then comeback and tell me what you should do. But please don't presume to know better than me what's right for me. I've done my 20 mile days with a loaded 60lb pack too, Including the AT and RMT...
  9. G

    Joe Biden Admits Gun Control Has Little Effect

    Yep. And the political capital they accumulated in the last two elections. The chickens are coming home to roost. The Gun Grabber faction isn't Liberal by any honest estimation. They're totalitarian. They accumulated debt in the last two elections and it's time to collect. President Obama...
  10. G

    The problem with denying firearms to the "mentally ill"

    Yeah. I suppose. I can choose to live my life in fear and shudder of hypotheticals, but I don't. I just try to keep my own cowpat together as best I can, guard against the bad and focus on the good. As a man said, "Life is a slippery slope." -- George Will.
  11. G

    Practice only with carry gun?

    Personally, I'm a "State Dependent Learning" kind of guy; I personally retain best when I practice in the conditions I'm most likely to perform under. Muscle memory being what it is, I try to dry fire or shoot at the range using the guns I'm most likely to be using in a defensive situation...
  12. G

    The problem with denying firearms to the "mentally ill"

    You don't need to "would mistrust" them because they are in effect now. Per The NICS Improvement Amendments Act Of 2007: The law of 2007 already permits "a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority" to be declared a mental incompetent if they "as a result of marked...
  13. G

    The problem with denying firearms to the "mentally ill"

    You make a great point. Look up "SSRI Withdrawl" and you'll see that medications, or withdrawal from meds have led to sad and devastating outcomes. Just read this one: Often times people who are plagued by the symptoms of SSRIs are labeled...
  14. G

    A gun control convo with my liberal friend....

    Unless I miss my guess, convo = CONVersatiOn.
  15. G

    The problem with denying firearms to the "mentally ill"

    It's called The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. ...and it is far from infallible. Like most human beings and opinions on both sides of the RKBA issue, the DSM is fraught with cultural biases, personal biases, conflicts of interest, and corporate/political/special...
  16. G

    A gun control convo with my liberal friend....

    If by "Battle of Athen Tenn. 1949" you actually mean the one in 1946 there was o involvement by the US Military. Several hundred (Maybe as many as 2000) vets managed to overthrow 55 Sheriff's deputies. This is not an informative analog to "overthrowing a tyrannical Federal Government"
  17. G

    A gun control convo with my liberal friend....

    Is there an example in recent history of it happening that citizens with personal defense weapons stood up to and defeated the largest, most powerful military in the world?
  18. G

    A gun control convo with my liberal friend....

    ...speculating on a hypothetical, never having been in that situation. I try hard not to call someone "insane" or put a lot of stock in what people *say* they'd do in a purely hypothetical situation. Its very easy to say "I'd shoot them" or "I couldnt" when its a conversation. It's very...
  19. G

    People know Ronald Reagon supported/helped the AWB?

    First, very recent history proves that SOME Conservatives understand this. As do SOME Liberals. Likewise, some from both parties do not. But beyond that, it's intellectually dishonest to say that Conservatives are now or ever were immune to faulty group think on issues of gun rights, fiscal...