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  1. R

    What would be the most obnoxious firearm to shoot at a range?

    .50 cal flintlock on the upwind spot. Every time I took a shot the cloud of smoke would drift right down the line. In my defense I was there first by more than an hour before anyone else showed up.
  2. R

    What happened to www.ArmedPoliteSociety.com?

    I'm starting to get the twitches...:)
  3. R

    What happened to www.ArmedPoliteSociety.com?

    Any connection to the calguns outage? I've also tried several of Oleg's other sites and get the same results.
  4. R

    Children and guns

    It is far easier to gun proof kids than it is to kid proof guns. Teach them the right way as early as they can understand.
  5. R

    Screw CT!

    Doesn't look like it has changed all that much since I got mine in Groton, CT in 1987. I do not remember the cost but it couldn't have been too much or I couldn't have afforded it.
  6. R

    Lady in OK shot intruder while on w/ dispatch

    Acute failure of the victim selection process. Folks need to remember that just because the law says one thing where you live doesn't mean it is the same where someone else lives.
  7. R

    Kind of a Crummy Range Day

    I keep a hardwood dowel rod and wooden mallet in my range bag for just such a thing. Haven't had to use it since the reason for including them happened though.
  8. R

    You know you are a GUN NUT if...

    They gots other counters?
  9. R

    good and bad day at the range

    Wed. I had my son out the the range and when we loaded up one of us set 2 plastic MTM boxes of .357 Mag shells on the roof of my Cherokee. It was only about a 30 mile drive but they were still there when I dropped him off at his apartment. One of the boxes was empty brass the other was about...
  10. R

    As real as it gets

    I guess his body armor didn't cover that part of his anatomy. I must have missed that lesson in biology class 'cause I ain't sure where to shoot to hit someone there.
  11. R

    How do people shoot themselves?

    Why would one decock a loaded 1911 in the first place? I don't think either my DA or SA revolvers can do that.
  12. R

    Is it considered high road to give anti's the cold shoulder?

    Life is far too short to associate with idoits any more than you absolutley have to.
  13. R

    Does your gun range ban .50 BMG?

    MIne allows it on one berm/pit at the 600 meter line. We also allow full auto at the plinking range. -Any gun any target, clean up your mess.
  14. R

    Gun Range VS Tornado

    I've lived in Oklahoma since Dad retired from the Air Force in 1975, with the exception of 13 years for the Navy. I have never actually seen a tornado nor have I personally suffered damage from one. I have dealt with 5 hurricanes - 2 in Fl 2 in VA and 1 in HI, 2 earth quakes in CA and 1 flood...
  15. R

    Gun Range VS Tornado

    Easy answer - $$$$. Long answer - At least in the part of Oklahoma I live in if you go more than a couple of feet deep you've either got solid limestone or water.
  16. R

    Hmmm, I wonder what else one of these could make?

    3D rapid prototype machines are; 1. just plain cool. 2. Even cooler to watch in operation. Seriously the potential applications are almost infinite. I could easily see one of these being used to prototype a functional (non-firing?)firearm from a CAD drawing.
  17. R

    3 new PA gun laws, MAYBE

    Always always always read a proposed law with the WORST possible interpretation imaginable.
  18. R

    2 handguns. 98 rounds fired. 13 people dead. All in 1 minute? I don't believe it!

    Bottom line - When seconds count the police are minutes (hours?) away.