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  1. T

    NRA Senator Selling out?

    Here's the text to Larry Craig's amendment. Mind telling us what is so "left field" about the initial article? Also, mind telling us how it's "bashing" in any way to report the truth? Oh, it also includes an analysis from an ammo manufacturer and seller, explaining what effect the Craig...
  2. T

    Request for CSPAN Junkies

    I didn't get a reply from Mr. Cunningham until this morning. If the RMGO story turned out to be true, it would have been a bit too late to do anything about it. I plan on asking Angel to put it in an alert today when he gets to a computer (he's probably asleep). I'm at the office. I don't...
  3. T

    Request for CSPAN Junkies

    I'm not going to respond for RMGO, but what is it exactly that jacks KABA's credibility? Would you rather we not have linked to the piece, just ignored it and hoped it went away? What would have happened if it turned out to be true (god forbid) and we had ignored it? Would you have then...
  4. T

    KABA Writer (David Codrea) Investigated for Questioning Civil Authority

    Since Angel Shamaya, director of KABA, is banned from THR but is being attacked here, I hope it's OK to post one thing he chose to share:
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    KABA Writer (David Codrea) Investigated for Questioning Civil Authority

    It's called "self defense." Most of us here tend to support it, except for when attacking others behind their backs. David did nothing wrong. He wrote a satirical article, and he got the law investigating him for it. Agree with him? OK. Disagree with him? OK. But attacking KABA...
  6. T

    KABA Writer (David Codrea) Investigated for Questioning Civil Authority

    This is so pathetic and so cowardly, I hardly have the words to express it! God forbid someone step out on a limb and push the limits to protect OUR BASIC RIGHTS! God forbid someone rocks the boat of tyranny. God forbid a writer speaks his opinion! Your type would rather have gun owners...
  7. T

    "Militia" Definition

    US Code: Title 10 US Code as of: 01/26/98 Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a...
  8. T

    Won't Bellesiles ever give up?

    Amazing, isn't it? Someone who DOES have a PhD in history perpetrates one of academia's biggest frauds, and he's still defended by a few elitist ignoramuses in the field, likely because he's one of their own. Meanwhile, Cramer, who doesn't have the three little letters after his name, who is...
  9. T

    Enemies Foreign And Domestic

    I'm reading it now. It's scaring the sh*t out of me. Great novel!!!!
  10. T

    Will Bush Appoint 2nd Amend. Supreme Court Justices?

    Bush? Appoint pro-2A justices? Riiiiight. :rolleyes: Bush appointed Reggie Walton - the same one that ruled DC residents had no individual right to keep and bear arms, because they aren't a state and RKBA is supposedly a state right to arm militias. Bush is just like the rest of those losers.
  11. T

    Won't Bellesiles ever give up?

    The guy is so desperate it's actually pathetic. If he thinks he's going to somehow repaint himself as Galileo or Columbus, he's either delusional or desperate for attention - any kind of attention, including the negative kind. BAH! When I interviewed Clayton Cramer about Bellesiles last year...
  12. T

    Balmer Sun: Let's rid our streets of assault weapons

    Chief butt scratcher, likely.
  13. T

    Balmer Sun: Let's rid our streets of assault weapons

    OK - so I wrote a reply. http://www.armedfemalesofamerica.com/takingaim/demise.htm
  14. T

    Book review of "Freehold"

    get to baen's site Guys, if you want to see the sequel published, may I suggest going to Baen's Bar -- which is a kind of chatroom on his site -- and requesting it? Mike already has the dang thing written. All he needs now is some support. :)...
  15. T

    Gun Banner Wishes My Family to Be Murdered and Die Slowly

    This person isn't stupid, although his lack of grammar and spelling skills certainly suggest a lack of effective education. People who wish harm on others publicly, viscerally and so blatantly aren't stupid. They're evil.
  16. T

    Silveira v. Lockyer: cert denied

    personal attack deleted -- Kaylee
  17. T

    Silveira v. Lockyer: cert denied

    Shouldn't that be Wildveiledinsultsagainstotherstakingadumponothers'misfortunesalaska? Yeah. I think that's more appropriate.
  18. T

    Silveira v. Lockyer: cert denied

    That would be true only if you believe that the Constitution states nothing absolute. Is that what you believe? Do you believe that the Second Amendment protects an inalienable right?
  19. T

    Silveira v. Lockyer: cert denied

    It's called the Bill of Rights. Second Amendment. "A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
  20. T

    Silveira v. Lockyer: cert denied

    Yeah, a guy who was arrested for stealing some food from a grocery store in the past should be deprived of his right to defend himself with firearms, right? Oh, yeah -- I'm sorry -- I forgot! The Constitution provides for the registration of arms, right? WHERE? I handled live hand grenades...