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  1. P

    What time is too late for home invaders?

    I'd break that down further. Home invasions are different than hot burglaries. Hot burglaries break up into "I don't care if I meet the homeowner" and "If I see the homeowner, I'm running away." There aren't a lot of practical differences between home invasions and hot burglaries(A).
  2. P

    What time is too late for home invaders?

    I run a website called MN Home Invasion Watch. There isn't any trend toward home invasion time that I'm aware of. 4am is just as likely as 4pm.
  3. P

    Think about this? (What Places are Inappropriate for Concealed Carry?)

    You're forgetting subsection D. Carry in a federal facility is legal if it's incidental to hunting or other lawful purposes. Carrying with a permit to defend myself and my family certainly seems lawful to me. ...
  4. P

    Anybody live in Minnesota?

    I have an ancestor who was forced out of Sweden on pain of death. :)
  5. P

    Anybody live in Minnesota?

    The gun laws are decent. Not perfect, but nothing much to complain about. There is a waiting period on purchasing handguns from an FFL, but, if you get an annual permit to purchase(free), you can do the waiting period ahead of time. Our carry law is one of the best of all the states that...
  6. P

    Armed Citizen Money

    I have one of those stamps. $5 on Vistaprint.
  7. P

    SuperAmerica - Express Your Displeasure!

    That's their canned response. I know of at least a dozen folks who received the same thing.
  8. P

    Who packs heat after they've had a few?

    I'll drink a beer or two with dinner and still carry. If it's going to be more than that, the gun gets unloaded and locked up. There IS such a thing as responsible drinking.
  9. P

    Defense Attorney Reccomendations

    Talk to a local group.
  10. P

    Has someone who understands "legal-ease" looked over the NRA Self Defense insurance?

    According to the attorney whose business card is in my wallet, criminal attorneys are rarely put on retainer before incidents arise. It is a good idea to know which attorney to call and their stance on self-defense. I'd also shoot them an email telling them you are planning on calling, if...
  11. P

    55 Senators sign brief in support of Heller

    Signers opposed to Heller:
  12. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    Three things: 1. Private vs Public is not that simple. Churches are not exactly private in that they are open to the public, and at least some of them are owned by the membership. 2. The issue isn't IF they can ban guns. The issue is if they can ban guns any way they want and still expect...
  13. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    And I am consistently surprised by the way some people interpret parts of the Bible, while claiming they have the one, true understanding, and everyone else is a slave to the devil. That kind of humility is certainly paving the road to hell, dontcha think? I dig the circular logic, too...
  14. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    I'm in. Can I get ordained by the Church of JMB, too?
  15. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    You are missing the picture. Two churches have been suing for a couple of years to be an exception to the carry law. The law states specifically what is required to ban guns. They want to pick their own criteria. They also want to ban guns in their parking lot, which is currently NOT allowed...
  16. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    What a load of crap. I am accountable in varying degrees to myself, my family, my employer, my society. There are absolute moral values that have nothing to do with my religion. Moral relativism happens in churches at least as much as it happens outside of them. I would submit that...
  17. P

    Churches in Minnesota win another round on gun ban

    Regarding malls: In Minnesota, landlords are not allowed to posts for tenants, which means no mall can legally post a 'no guns' sign. Regarding property: Private vs publics is not the extent of the debate. IANAL, but there is 'private', 'public', 'publicly-owned/public'...
  18. P

    MN Reciprocity issues

    What is this "Reciprocity" issue all about? by Joel Rosenberg Short form: handgun carry permits from other states are supposed to be good in Minnesota, except for those few states that have permit issuance laws that are very different than Minnesota's -- those that are not "substantially...
  19. P

    Monster Hunter International: Review thread with SPOILERS!!!

    From the blog: 2/1/08 EDITED TO ADD: The preorder is over. You can still order books directly from me for $26 with shipping, but I am out, and will not have any copies here for about two weeks. I am no longer sending out patches as the preorder is done. Because of popular demand, I am...
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    The Brave One

    I don't care about the opinions of actors. They didn't get their jobs for their critical thinking skills or personality. They got their jobs because they passed a screen test and have the ability to hide their own personalities in favor of a construct. They are lacking real personalities and...