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  1. F

    Man arrested for (legally) open carrying AK47, scaring people.

    Personally, I find the idea of some crackpot ready to snipe a guy walking down the street from his living room to be more disturbing than a guy just walking down the street carrying a weapon.
  2. F

    Why Paul would trounce Hillary:

    It's just a slight rewording of the traditional Republican claim that they want smaller government, followed up by the usual actions that put lie to it. What makes you think that they don't believe Paul is worse than Clinton?
  3. F

    It is OFFICIAL! Fred Thompson is coming to Dallas on Wednesday July 25th.

    I've always thought it was the other way around. If you vote for them, you have no reason to be complaining about them.
  4. F

    It is OFFICIAL! Fred Thompson is coming to Dallas on Wednesday July 25th.

    You could stay home like most eligible voters do.
  5. F

    It is OFFICIAL! Fred Thompson is coming to Dallas on Wednesday July 25th.

    Clearly Thompson is using his acting skills to trick the liberals into a false sense of security so that once he's in the white house he can make a complete 180 and lead us all to freedom! Like Bush and the AWB!
  6. F

    The Libertarian philosophy

    I feel bad for libertarians. The commies think they're anarchists and the anarchists think they're commies. They really can't win. Proper authority. lol
  7. F

    5mW laser, 'maximum allowable by law'; is it REALLY?

    No idea, but I want one. They'd make a cool, but expensive, cigarette lighter.
  8. F

    Wayne Fincher is out of jail!

    Harder to get charged for illegally manufacturing machine guns that way. Probably not impossible though.
  9. F

    The New Ron Paul Thread

    Republicans like big government.
  10. F

    For those who say Fred Thompson is anti-gun

    They understand.
  11. F

    Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

    That doesn't prove anything. You might just be a forward thinking infiltrator. lol
  12. F

    Who gets your vote in '08?

    I believe I'll sit this one out.
  13. F

    Mainstream burnout

    Oh, sure. Blame it on the people who don't vote. It's the voters who are the problem. They're the ones who keep electing the same kinds of people.
  14. F

    Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

    Because Ron Paul stands against everything they believe in?
  15. F

    7 Reasons Why the Internet Loves Ron Paul

    Pretty good except for #1. Geeks seem to be pretty evenly split between libertarian and ultra-statist. Too many empire building games I think.
  16. F

    What would happen?

    I think it's more of a "OMG VOTE REPUBLICAN NO MATTER WHAT!!!1!one!1!" thing.
  17. F

    Tax dodgers taunt police from hilltop compound

    Are you kidding? If they don't go after people who don't pay taxes, who is going to pay them? Not as much as not killing them will fuel everyone else.
  18. F

    I'm ready to support gun control

    I don't think they should be allowed to carry pepper spray or clubs either.