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    ESEE Junglas - Color me Impressed ( And a bonus! )

    As a practitioner of Nami-Ryu ( an Aikido / Heiho martial school ) I've spent a fair amount of time behind edged tools and blades. If there's one thing I appreciate out of a blade, it's length, reach, and thickness. ESEE's Junglas finds a great medium between all three - for a knife! I'm also an...
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    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    So, I am contemplating my first handgun purchase soon, I am currently 20 years old - but I have had aspirations to own a firearm since I was 17. My family is very anti-gun ownership, they do not dislike people owning guns - they just dislike anyone in their family doing so. I respect their rules...