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  1. P

    Undocumented immigrants rise to near 11M

    why dont we call them what they really are, invaders. calling them even illegal aliens makes light of whats most of them are really doing, trying to turn certain parts of the south west into little mexicos, we know all about la raza and groups like it, wanting to turn parts of america over to...
  2. P

    (AK) five teens playing with airsofts in store arrested

    anyone remember the the video awhile back of the teens shooting people on the street from a moving car with a painball gun? some teenagers think things like this is simply hilarious. i think they watched jackass too many times and didnt learn "there's a time and a place for everything"...
  3. P

    Feinstein AWB proposal

    oh please, what politician, aside from one with an actual backbone and respect for the constitution, is going to stand up to a AWB ban proposal? politicians are on par with lawyers, spineless scumbags who do whatever it takes to fatten their own accounts and guarantees they'll have a job...
  4. P

    isnt 19 officers an overreaction?

    defense attorneys argue that a handcuffed inmate denotes they are guilty and want their clients unfettered so as to give them a "fair trial". while putting everyone's safety at risk at the same time. violent criminals need to be restrained, it has nothing to do with a conveyence of guilt, it...
  5. P

    isnt 19 officers an overreaction?

    no no no, i mean someone being fired for assigning only one guard (or whoever told them to assign only one guard). im talking about the city being sued. they have paid anything yet, the four victims have paid and dearly for something that was completely preventable. their families should be...
  6. P

    isnt 19 officers an overreaction?

    i have to ask this. first they only have him unrestrained with a single officer, he gets a hold of her gun and kills three people. a couple days later, they have him surrounded by 19 guards and the look on his face said to me "if i move they'll kill me, i know it". he didnt so much as twitch...
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    Scott Peterson - Death

    peterson will live longer on death row than he would if he were given a life sentence. irony in action! gotta love california, where sending you to death means you're more likely to live longer, so long as you keep filing appeals. and he'll file as many appeals as possible to prolong it...
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    Feinstein AWB proposal

    isnt she the same person that tried to say that fueling up/owning a SUV was supporting terrorism? who actually listens to her anymore? besides people on the far left...
  9. P

    Ban Tabacco and Alcohol!

    MBS you think taking away the cigarettes and the booze will decrease the stupidity in your family??? amazing how some are against banning guns but are all for banning freedom of choice. you have a choice, be around your family when they smoke and drink or cant make people be nice...
  10. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    telcom makes compelling arguments for a hi point. besides, it all comes down to opinions and opinions are not wrong or right. thanks for shedding some positive light on the subject.
  11. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    i dont know what i'm going to get. i know the sooner i get a gun the sooner i'll feel safer for having one. i do want a CZ75B though and thats gonna cost more than i have right now and there's no telling when i'll be able to get one. so my search continues, im going to keep learning and...
  12. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    i dont know what gun he wants exactly, all i know is he's deadset on a .45.
  13. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    ha well if the kia works thats all i ask of it. not expecting anything fancy or special. maybe if i knew i was gonna see plenty of range time i would invest in a gun that can endure being shot regularly. bullets are like miles in this case, the more you put on a kia the faster it wears...
  14. P

    Can we stop

    i've argued this with my friend. he's dead set on getting a .45. i asked him why and he told me it would make sure anyone breaking into his house would go DOWN. ok thats fine but i told him it wouldnt matter if he missed. he said he wouldnt. there is no way of knowing if you're going to hit...
  15. P

    Who Knows Someone Who's Been Shot?

    i've been shot at and i know myself. does that count as knowing someone???
  16. P

    Good Cop Qualities?

    cops who know when to call it a day. a while back my wife was pulled over on her way to work for supposedly speeding. the cop said he smelled pot in the car (she was just smoking a cigarette and doesnt smoke pot). he has her get out of the car, and then asks her if he can search the car...
  17. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    the ugly one is the 9 mm compensated. the compact looks decent and not any worse than a glock in terms of appearence. the rest look ok though. appearence really doesnt matter, i just like a gun that looks good but i'll take function over form any day of the week. i'm reading about...
  18. P

    How do you defend yourself if you run into this?

    claiming "this is our culture, this is who we are" is about the most ignorant statement i've ever read. its the same mentality and mindset that people have to justify street racing or speeding or wreckless driving. driving is a priviledge and there seems to be a lot of people in oakland...
  19. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    those look nice. i dig those. i'm going to see what i can find locally first. i'm not a hobbyist, i just want a gun that fires when the trigger is pulled so whatever i get as my first gun it will be cheap. maybe i'll get nicer guns later on and be more into certain features. i'd love...
  20. P

    why is hi point so cheap?

    can someone show me a picture of a star b or BM? if they're better than hi point and the cost is similar...i might as well go with them instead. i cant find a page or site on them. i really need some info! :(