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    Operation Gun Rights: Next 8 weeks

    Also might want to call/write your state level representatives as well, just in case they try to pull some crap like NY.
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    Among the remaining Republicans, who is best gun wise?

    LOL how does the guy who wants to repeal ALL federal firearm laws have a B from the NRA?
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    Among the remaining Republicans, who is best gun wise?

    Disagree. If you are solely looking for the most pro 2A, it's Paul. Now if you want to argue electability or some other issue, that's another thread for another board.
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    Romney On The 2nd Amendment?

    Thompson, Huckabee and Paul seem to be the best pro-gun candidates. Thompson I can't support because he's a former corporate lobbyist and therefore part of the problem, in my eyes. Huckabee isn't bad but I think his current popularity is just a flash in the pan. People (not me) will have a...
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    Taiwanese for Ron Paul

    Right on.
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    VA Tech:school carry Here's an old article where they tried to get a bill passed so that the school couldn't ban CCW. Ironic the statements from the university's spokesman.
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    Museum Opening concealed carry.

    Man there's a lot of buzzkills in this thread. What's wrong with having a little fun and thinking of your sidearm as an accessory? :uhoh: With that argument, why carry anywhere? Most of the places I frequent nothing ever happens.
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    owning a gun

    Easy, Mr. Peter. He could have a brother that he smacked upside the head.
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    Kutztown University student beat to death

    +1 Soybomb. I'm in my mid-20's, I like to have a few drinks, I carry a firearm, I love violent movies, books, and the Grand Theft Auto series is probably the best video game franchise ever made. I guess I'm just a ticking bomb.
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    The New Ron Paul Thread

    I guess that cash on hand is magic spammer money, and doesn't really exist.
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    The New Ron Paul Thread

    Ha. I also posted this in the voting thread. But here's a link. Titled, 'We are missing an opportunity." No supporters outside of gun boards. Nope, none. EDIT: Ah, crap. You have to be a member. Well, here's the text of the...
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    Who gets your vote in '08?

    Funny. I was just over at facebook, and someone had an epiphany. "Hey, Ron Paul is anti-gun control, right? We need to organize and introduce gun owners to Paul, they would love a candidate as pro-gun as he is!" And then a bunch of follow ups about what a great idea that was. So many people...
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    The New Ron Paul Thread

    Bravo! I always liked Scarborough.
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    Pa. black caucus: No gun laws, no budget

    Ha. Try our roads. They would be better off not touching them, and go back to dirt.
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    Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand!

    As I've said, most of Obama's money is from contributions of less than $100 per person. So it adds up.
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    Ron Paul Tops McCain in Cash on Hand!

    Exactly ArmedBear, I'm broke and have made 2 $25 contributions. Every little bit helps.
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    Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

    Infiltrating websites? I've been here longer than I've heard of Paul, and all of his supporters I've seen have join dates that are older than his campaign. Whoops. There goes that theory. You keep ignoring the fact that most of his supporters are not gun people. They don't really care...
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    Fallout in Maryland from Virginia Tech

    bravo, kingpin.
  19. T

    Fallout in Maryland from Virginia Tech

    But there's no problem with submitting your health records for buying a gun, it's to support our rights! Right, NRA? Right?