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  1. D

    College doctors photograph of gun-toting Ward Churchill

    This guy is so not qualified to be a taxpayer-supported professor or even a taxpayer-supported dog catcher. He has never earned a PhD. How did he get tenure? There is something seriously wrong with a system that gives people a free pass just on the basis of being radical left-wing idiots. I...
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    China: All signs point to invasion?

    Dude. There is no way. China is having a hard enough time just keeping its own people under control, never mind a nation half way around the world with millions of heavily armed citizens, nuclear weapons, and the most powerful military the world has ever seen. Dude.
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    Repeal the machinegun ban

    That's the best (only?) way to do this. I think it should be: Hidden deeply in a tax bill. It should not be in a bill called "Restoring our right to machineguns" or anything like that. There should be no mention at all of MGs. It should only refer to 922(o) The way to do it is...
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    Indecent housing

    Wrong. It's as Langenator said. If you have structural hazards, health hazards or environmental hazards, the city can and will (eventually) demolish the house, if they are serious enough. You hear about this in the papers with "animal hoarders", crazy people who end up having, say, 200 dogs...
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    Proposition H (San Fran)

    Cannot. Too many legal problems to list, but here's a few: 1. Interstate transfers of firearms must go through an FFL on the receiving side. 2. Can't ship "unsafe handguns" to CA. The gun has to be on a CA DoJ approved list. The cheapest gun on that list is about $150 I think. 3. No...
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    Proposition H (San Fran)

    Cannot. One handgun a month in CA. So you could get in at most 3. But if I were an FFL and this law passed I would refuse to transfer handguns to SF residents, and I think most FFLs would be the same way. Still, this does open the city up to some mighty lawsuits. I would love to see SF go...
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    Proposition H (San Fran)

    Actually in SF, even the pols can't easily get permits. There are ten permits issued in the city. That's not enough to go around, even for top-level pols. Presumably those were given to judges and DAs. Maybe Mayor Newsom has them. I hope Jim March's suit against the DoJ finally gives us a...
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    Contact GW and tell him you want a conservative judge tonight!

    My advice: Listen to Jim on this one.
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    Indecent housing

    Thanks Iain. You'll have to excuse us. Most Americans can't understand English. To me, a house that has Christmas lights on it past New Years is indecent. To a Brit, "indecent" probably means "more than a dozen rotting animal carcasses". Anywhere in America, if there's a house that has dead...
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    Indecent housing

    We've been there for a long time, before the Kelo ruling. I'm not really sure what is the definition of "indecent housing" but it has long been established that the city can condemn and even demolish a house if it is unsafe, poses a healthy hazard, etc. Maybe that's what "indecent housing" is?
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    homemade weapons!

    The Anarchists Cookbook was written as a joke. The recipes in it are either completely made up or dangerous or whatever.
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    Repeal the machinegun ban

    $10k IS after the price has gone down. M16s go for $25k or so right now. Right now there are about 150,000 guns in the registry. If combat veternas could own theirs, that might roughly double the size of the registry within a few years. Prices would still be high. That's one of the...
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    Repeal the machinegun ban

    Doing things incrementally is the way to success. Just flat out repealing 922(o) won't happen. We need to think of incremental ideas that COULD happen. Here's my idea: change it so that soldiers returning to civilian life could have the option of buying their old beat-up M16 from the...
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    Republicans are not restoring crap!

    LAR-15, I can feel your feeling there. DC residents should not be restrained from owning normal shotguns (18"ers), NFA items, etc. But let's go step by step here. Even a small victory is a victory. Creeping CCW reform is a great example of it. Started in Florida 20 years ago, has spread to...
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    Repeal the machinegun ban

    I hope it happens. It will be a slow process of small victories that achieves the goal.
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    An eye for an eye is bad?!?!?

    An eye for an eye is a bad way to live. In earlier times, there was no system of justice. People were responsible for defending themselves AND for imposing punishment if they decided to. This didn't work so well because the strong could make up any punishment they wanted to. That's what...
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    Something in San Francisco makes me want to puke San Francisco County needs to get a new sheriff, one who will issue permits to women like the woman in this sad story. The current sheriff has only issued ten permits, presumably all of them to judges (etc)...
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    What is the constitutional basis for Protection of Lawful Commerce Act?

    I don't know, but I don't like it. I think it's a bad idea for many reasons. It's a victory for manufacturers, not necessarily for owners.
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    Sir Aardvark, good point. Unless you live in SF county, LA county, SD county or Alameda County, you do have a shot at getting a CCW. In some counties you have almost a "sure shot". Ask, make a good impression, make a good case, apply your best people skills. That will work in all counties...
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    No, please do NOT move. Stay here and fight. Ok, if somehow you were in Japan, I would tell you to move because it's going to take a century of fighting before they get gun rights. But that is not the case in CA. Gun rights are within reach. Step 1: vote Yes on Prop 77, redistrcting. Step...