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  1. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    I mean that I am not going to pull it out and start shooting unless it is my only option. In this specific instance, when I came outside he was on top of my dog so my first concern was getting control of him and getting him off my dog's neck. While I was holding him in a choke hold IF I HAD...
  2. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    As in all scenarios, the gun would be my last resort.
  3. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    So after having given this much thought and reading everyone's responses I think the solution is just to have my j-frame on me whenever we're out of the house and readily accessible inside. I had stopped carrying when we walked the dog around the neighborhood bc the chances of me getting...
  4. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    A lot of good things to consider in here. I may go back to carrying at all times, I can at least keep a j-frame on me regardless of what I'm wearing. Regardless, I am going to tell my wife that my internet friends agreed that I 100% need to purchase a new firearm.
  5. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    Thank you for the replies, going to take a while to read through them all. My wife did call 911 while it was happening and we did file a police report. I'm not filing charges but have the option to if they won't handle the vet bills. Here in South Florida I would be legally justified in...
  6. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    If it comes to that I will have time to grab my AR
  7. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    I used to have a Shield 9mm and loved it - I shot it very well. I am thinking about the 45 as I have read a lot of accounts of big dogs taking several shots of 9mm before slowing down.
  8. mrblenderson

    Best Gun For Dog Attack

    Yesterday a neighbor's 80-100lb American Bulldog got out of their yard and attacked my son and small dog. My wife and 2.5yo son were outside playing in the front yard and this dog came out of nowhere and knocked him over. Fortunately he happened to be wearing his bike helmet so he did not...
  9. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    Is a Sub2k legally a rifle or a pistol? Depending on where one lives I think this affects the ability to either carry it concealed or store in a vehicle loaded.
  10. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    I appreciate everyone's replies - all of this is leading me back to re-considering pocket carry and just keeping it on me at all times. I am not really concerned about an active shooter situation/terrorist threat/anything like that, I just carry for general peace of mind. I am looking at a...
  11. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    Mine was a 371- serial, the recall details were: "On October 29, 2008, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. announced a recall of some of the LCP pistols with serial number prefixes less than "371-xxxxx" due to the possibility of some of the guns discharging if dropped onto a hard surface." Mine just...
  12. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    I have so many things in my daily bag that are considered weapons/not allowed on a plane that I just bring an entirely different bag that I pack for the trip when I fly to avoid any issues. I used to have an LCP but I did not find it reliable enough to trust my life to. I am exploring other...
  13. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I carry a J-frame on a daily basis. My bag is a 5.11 pack that has a slim almost unnoticeable pocket on the back (designed for a hydration pack) where it can live without being noticed. I used to have an LCP but I got rid of it because it was just never...
  14. mrblenderson

    Choosing Gun for Bag Carry

    FIRST OFF, I know that no one on here will recommend off-body carry and I am well aware of all the reasons and I generally agree with them. That being said, Over the last few months I have stopped carrying on my person at work and instead keep it in my bag which is always near me in my office...
  15. mrblenderson

    School shootings, a good read

    One thing that stood out to me was reading that 26 of the 27 deadliest mass shooters grew up without a father. That, to me, is more significant than any association with pharmaceuticals because it's hard to say if pharmaceuticals create unstable individuals or if unstable individuals are just...
  16. mrblenderson

    Electronic Hearing Protection - a nice surprise.

    I have the Howard Leight Honeywell ones, the first time I wore them I immediately went back out and put in earplugs underneath. Now I only wear them if I am with friends (with earplugs) but for solo shooting I just wear my normal Howard Leights. It's odd though, because I just looked them up...
  17. mrblenderson

    Carrying at the Beach

    At least in Florida it's definitely legal to carry in the zoo or library, even if if it is a state, county, or local government facility. Doctor's office I think is the only gray area, but I believe that the reason that's often off-limits is because federal laws prohibit carrying in mental...
  18. mrblenderson

    Carrying at the Beach

    Curious about the doctor's office, zoo, and library as based on my understanding it is not illegal to carry at any of those places? Even if those places are "gun free" wouldn't that fall under the category of "not illegal but if they tell you to leave because you're made you are now trespassing?"
  19. mrblenderson

    Carrying at the Beach

    I do agree as a few have stated above that the odds of him finding it are probably about 1,000 times more likely than the odds of me needing it, but isn't that slim chance the reason we all carry anyway?
  20. mrblenderson

    Carrying at the Beach

    Lots of great replies here, I appreciate it. This reminds me of a similar situation a few years ago: When I first started carrying I carried 100% of the time I was awake (I do agree as someone noted above that if it's not on me it doesn't count as "carrying") and so that included all the time...