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  1. B

    We better get smart about this guy...

    "I belong to allot of forums, anyway I thought politics wasn't allowed here? (don't get me wrong, I dislike both people running but I am not a single issue voter)' This is about maybe losing that right.
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    We better get smart about this guy...

    Ibtl ^everything!!! __________________ Prey-tell...who and why will lock this?
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    We better get smart about this guy...

    If he is as dishonest about his position on the 2nd A what else is he not being dishonest about?
  4. B

    We better get smart about this guy... Every law abiding gun owner in this country is in danger because of this man.
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    Brainstorming Session - Getting VT style carry laws in TN

    This board compared to others seems... "Nearly 24 hours with only 20 views and no replies? It is no wonder that we are in the shape we are in. Activism should be the busiest part of this forum"_Kentucky quote_______________ Very weak in that department.
  6. B

    Can't imagine why all that support the 2nd A...

    Would not want to do this? Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Next year is going to be a critical year for gun owners. The Democratic leadership is going to keep pushing the Veterans Disarmament Act and trying to disarm hundreds of thousands of additional gun owners. Gun haters like Ted...
  7. B

    Judge caught trying to board plane with loaded weapon.
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    Hillary "says" she is against gun

    You know one of the first things she will try to do is outlaw guns...
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    Hillary "says" she is against gun

    Can't you get it? Maybe click a couple of times...I had to...
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    Hillary "says" she is against gun
  11. B

    NYT: A Liberal Case for Gun Rights Helps Sway Judiciary

    The New Dork Chimes? I can actually remember when The New York Times had some credibility! It is just another anti-gun-agenda-driven rag, like a lot of the big city papers.
  12. B

    Hr 297

    Read the GOA website today and saw the alert on HR 297, read the bill and the alert but I don't see where the real danger is to us gun owners? besides the hype does anyone see any real legal issues with it?
  13. B

    GOA alert...

    Your Gun Rights Could Soon Hang In The Balance -- VA Tech shootings now spurring the most far-reaching gun control in a decade Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408...
  14. B

    GOA Alert

    Most of the internet... Forums, BLOGS, etc. Are just people expressing their opinions, I would not, however discount any organizations ability to carry political weight with simple minded politicians...Why do you think the democratic party is trying to get special interest groups banned from...
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    GOA Alert

    Here it comes!
  16. B

    Here's how well our politicians are listening...

    Snail mail... 4-8 weeks and has to clear security and sometimes does not get to the recipient, because of said security measures...I was told by an aide that they all respond to FAX...You are right about them ducking e-mails but GOA seems to get their attention...
  17. B

    Here's how well our politicians are listening...

    High and Mighty! I pound his e-mail constantly as well as his Fax...He sends boiler plate response letters always...He believes he is untouchable at elections because he has been for many years... He does not listen to his constituency and believes himself to be omnipotent! He will never...
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    >> Bragging rights: what have I done today to stop AWB2

    Here is the link... Maybe a mod can pull all this together so we are all on one page?
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    Who will defend America?

    Use this link to contact them all.... And welcome! Contact the Judiciary Committee which is where these bills are now. * HR 2038, the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act: Congresswoman McCarthy has introduced legislation that would make the assault weapon and...
  20. B

    Don't tread on Me????

    Quote:"It's not the gun-grabbers out there that I worry about, it's the saboteurs in here that boil my blood. Anyway, I want to stay High Road so I'll just leave it at that. Let's get ready and lets win this fight."End Quote Don't tread on Me With you on all points! Quote:Thain:"Y'know, I...