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    Are we issuing concealed carry permits in the wrong order.

    Excuse me but... did he not break the law when he applied for the permit? By swearing that he answered the questions completely and truthfully and then lying and/or prevaricating in his statements? I'm definitely not in favor of any restrictions on firearms possession, just serious and swift...
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    Door Stop

    Another suggestion: In my shaving/misc kit I include something I call a doorstop, that I use for additional security when I'm staying in hotels and motels. It's an L-shaped steel bracket about an inch wide and .05" thick; the smaller end slips into the latch hole in the door frame and when...
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    Citizen Soldier

    I meant to add: Think about it. But, of course, propaganda is about feeling, not thinking. And if thinking hurts, don't bother. Just do what you feel like.
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    Citizen Soldier

    It's two in one! Great music video and great propaganda too! You don't need to be ordered to help needy people or victims of natural disasters, or feed the hungry. On the other hand, you might be reluctant to bomb and shoot civilians. Joining up, wearing a uniform and taking orders...
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    Why the fear of government tyranny?

    Once upon a time... There was a time when suggesting that the King was just a man like any other and we could have a working social arrangement without kings... would get you hung for treason. And it wouldn't be the KIng doing the hanging; it would be a vassal who believed the Myth that people...
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    need a recommendation...looking for a skinny 9mm

    Somebody measure these things? The Rohrbaugh is pricey but is only .85" thick.
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    Think we should keep felons from owning guns? Texas has 2,324 types of felony

    Talking DOES change things... A lot of people think they are maintaining and defending their personal beliefs when they are actually just repeating phrases and slogans that they've heard repeated by others. The more good people express their understanding of the source and meaning of Liberty...
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    "Do you want to get burned?"

    Arson defense? I don't know about other states but in Connecticut, lethal force is permitted to stop someone in the act of committing arson. I think this case would fit.
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    What would you do?

    It seems to me that the tactics we're discussing need to apply to our strategy, and our strategy needs to be aligned with our desired victory. Victory must mean more than imply survival. Apologies to the moderator for my post.
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    What would you do?

    Edmund Burke disagreed: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." The only proof of your moral strength is in what you do when you're not compelled, when you have a choice to act or not act. What choices do you make? A cop on duty is "just doing his...
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    Life vs Freedom

    Are you free now? Before the "Civil War", about 10% of the population was 100% enslaved (had their labor expropriated by force). Now, almost 100% of the population is 50% enslaved. Our chains are more comfortable. But most of us don't see it that way. Instead, it's "just the way things...
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    Subversive 4th of July Picnic idea: The return of the shooting gallery.

    Suggestions based on shooting galleries I've seen: 1) Have a "you have to be this tall to shoot" line marked on the booth 2) Use rifles only (users know where they're pointing) 3) Have a bench low/high enough so that the shooters can rest elbows on it and most important- 4) Attach a cable...
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    Constitution: "No tax on state exports" & NFA?

    Then why... The federal gov't passed the tax on full auto weapons in the 30's as a way yo restrict people from purchasing them. This went to court and the gov't won because they're allowed to lay a tax on sales and purchases. The specifially said that this wasn't an effort to restrict machine...
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    Calico M900 strip and clean ?

    The mags aren't so bad... Like all semiautos, the magazine is an integral part of the firearm and not just a "box o' bullets". This is even more true with the Calico guns. The Calico mags are obviously more complicated but don't require three hands for assambly/disassembly like some I could...
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    AK 47s Banned In CT?

    Why? The "represtatives of the people" of the State of Connecticut passed an "Assault Weapons Ban". Lacking imagination, they copied California's ban directly, to the point of including spelling errors that result in banning guns that don't actually exist. Included in the list are "AK-47...
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    Okay... For those FOR the war on drugs...

    Is it a "war"? Starting with "The War on Poverty" and "The War on Crime" everyone seems to have forgotton that the "war" part is a METAPHOR! Advertising and propaganda use metaphor and exaggeration to achieve a change in the way people feel and think about a subject. For example, we can't have...
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    What Carbine is the most fun?

    Calico... Hi folks. I've been lurking here for a little while but I have to put my $.02 in. Consider the Calico carbines. They're as rugged as any that have been suggested here but they have the advantage of the rugged roller-locked action and 50 or 100 round magazines. If you know anyone...