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  1. 1

    WHY "Made in the USA"

    Import restrictions from the 1968 Gun Control Act, mostly. Foreign guns have to meet a "sporting purposes" restriction. This generally means they have less desirable features (or more undesirable features), or have the added cost of having those parts removed/replaced/upgraded after import...
  2. 1

    Heller II is a go, latest comments from BFA

    TexasRifleman, I think you want "cornerstone" rather than "keystone". It was pretty obvious that more cases would be on the way to narrow down the exact location of the line. The only surprising part is that it seems to be the same case.
  3. 1

    Stealth baseball bat?

    High strength aluminum alloy parts are often mechanically bonded because welding makes the metal brittle. If you're just lookin' for a thwackin' stick, though, you can probably find an alloy that will work. If we're talking about the physics of striking someone, a solid rod is not the way to...
  4. 1

    What To Do With the Chambered Round At Night?

    The poll assumes all responders carry with a round chambered. To echo Rob G nothing worse than discovering a gun is loaded/unloaded when you thought it the opposite. I clicked "Leave chambered - Other, please explain." with the idea it's closest to "keep it in the same condition as you carry it."
  5. 1

    Bloomberg gun sting ruled legal

    From the way I read it, the person whose details are on the paperwork, the person who pays, and the person who receives the weapon all have to be the same individual. Who paid? The payment part (i.e. "actual buyer") is what gets me. It makes sense to me to have the person receiving the gun...
  6. 1

    Bloomberg gun sting ruled legal

    W.E.G, How is that interpreted? If the dealer conveys it the actual buyer the gun, and the actual buyer immediately hands it over to someone else, that would be fine? What's the point? This reminds me of watching people demonstrating break down of rifles at California gun shows being very...
  7. 1

    Dessicant packs...

    Refrasil makes for nice oven-safe desiccant bags. Probably overkill for the application, but if you have some handy...