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  1. M

    VCDL Lobby day: carpool from Staunton, Virginia

    Titan and Mike, Thanks for the moral support, even if you can't be here in person! I got involved with the VCDL a couple of years ago, and have been very impressed with the results that we have been able to achieve under our leaderships direction. About a year ago, the WVCDL West Virginia...
  2. M

    VCDL Lobby day: carpool from Staunton, Virginia

    O.K. folks, the time is near! Below are the firearm related bills that have been introduced SO FAR! Here are the gun bills, and any other bills that affect your gun rights, that have been introduced as of 1/14/09: VCDL STRONGLY SUPPORTS (9) HB 1587 - Delegate Marshall - opts...
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    VCDL Lobby day: carpool from Staunton, Virginia

    Just wanted to bump this back up, and wish everyone a Merry Chrismas!
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    VCDL Lobby day: carpool from Staunton, Virginia

    Hello folks, Every year, the Virginia Citizens Defense League has a lobby day at the General Assemble Building in Richmond, VA. This year, it is scheduled to January, 19. The purpose of Lobby day, is to meet our Senators, and Representatives in person and express our views on second amendment...
  5. M

    Queasy Feeling I Just Can't Shake...

    I volunteer with a grassroots pro-second amendment organization, and frequently work the table at local gunshows. What I am seeing from the people at the shows, and many I talk to in my private life, is a sense of frustration with the federal government as a whole. I also talk to a fair number...
  6. M

    7.62x39 defense ammo?

    It seems like everyone is set on either HP or FMJ bullets from the 7.62X39. From what I've read, and seen personally, HP's seem to be more for ballistics than reliable expansion. For what you are lookign at, I'd go with a SP like this...
  7. M

    Negligent / Accidental Discharges @ Shows?

    I was present at a show, when a dealers 9mm was discharged, and have reliable reports of at least two other incidents in the past. The incident where I was present, involved dropping the mag, but not clearing the chamber before handing the gun to another dealer. All involved parties were...
  8. M

    I am going CRAZY

    So, what happened?!?!? Come on, enquiring minds want to know!!!!:)