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  1. N

    pepper spray more than likely saved a woman's life last night

    It sounds like ou did as well as you possibly could and I'm glad whenever I see people trying to help others out! I broke up a domestic disturbance about a month was just yelling, nothing nearly as serious your incident. In retrospect I realize now she was probably as crazy as he...
  2. N

    "Like a knife, but not a knife" gift for small kid?

    Just for the record, slip joints don't always close on your hand...when I was 10 or so I stabbed myself very nicely with my cub scout knife, it went deep enough into my hand that it was kept from closing very effectively :D Oh, and I never again saw that knife, apparently I "lost" it!
  3. N

    odd sharpening materials

    I regularly strop on the edge of a cutting board, I doubt that's all that unusual though! I also use paper for stropping pretty often, I fold it over a few times put it over the edge of my desk and do it that way. I've also steeled against the back edge of another knife. That works ok if the...
  4. N

    Looking at moving to San Antonio/Austin area (from NC)

    It wouldn't be financially prudent for a minimum of 2 years, possibly longer. Rest assured...if I win the lottery, I'm gone tomorrow ;)
  5. N

    Looking at moving to San Antonio/Austin area (from NC)

    Having lived in Dallas most all of my life I moved to San Antonio about 3 years ago. I HATE San Antonio. I really didn't realize I could despise a city so much. I thought that I hated Denton when I lived there for about 3 years but it turns out I only disliked it. It's really a people thing...
  6. N

    I'm so tactical that...

    Might have already been said: I'm so tactical, I don't even have a shadow!
  7. N

    What do you carry when you can't carry?

    I'm virtually never without a knife, 99% of the time it is a Spyderco Native that I'm very fond of. Before that it was a Benchmade 940 which I funny enough like less than the Spyderco. My general "knife fighting" plan is that if I ever need it I'll hold it in a reverse grip and punch like...
  8. N

    Joe Horn No Billed Thread 2 (no personal attacks here)

    Being from Texas, I'm glad to see it went down this way (no-billed). He protected the property of his neighbor against two criminals. If more people did the same, maybe we wouldn't have to worry about crime quite so much.