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  1. S

    Best way to store a gun in the car

    I just bought a small pick-up truck with no storage space. It's a '95 Dodge. I intend to modify either the floor or door of the truck and install a hidden lock box. It sounds like a lot of trouble, but it's not really that hard if you can use basic tools and have access to a welder. Doing so not...
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    revolvers or autos

    I only autos right now, but that is due to financial limitations, not personal preferences.
  3. S

    Chimpanzee shot with what, I wonder?

    What I don't understand is why people seem to think they can domesticate higher primates. Man has been trying to domesticate his own species for thousands of years. If it worked we wouldn't have crazed crack heads running the streets, and overcrowded prisons. What makes these people think they...
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    You'd think that people who are...

    ...physically disabled would be more interested in keeping their 2A rights intact. I post on a Service Dog board. We talk about all kinds of topics, and the subject of self defense has come up. I'm amazed at how many of those people simply expect the police to protect them. I just have...
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    Glad this man is OK

    I've heard that in severe cases that can interfere with fertility.
  6. S

    Pistol vs. Rifle ammo?

    Shevrock got it right. It depends on the locality. In some places, since .22 LR can be used in some pistols they have to ask because you have to show ID if you are going to use it in a pistol. in some states they simplify this by only allowing .22 LR to be sold to those 21 and over. In...
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    Glad this man is OK

    Glad the teacher is okay. I sure do wish that reporters would learn to use the English language precisely though. I've never heard of anyone being shot in the duplex before, but I bet it hurts. Jeeze, they're journalism majors, you'd think they'd learn how to communicate effectively.
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    Dick's Poor Experience

    I like to buy at the locally owned reloader here in Melbourne. They have their times when they are out too, but that's usually after a local gun show. Can't blame them, they really are a locally owned and operated small outfit. Space Cost Bullets. Nice guys who are local, friendly, and know...
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    .45 cartridge found in washing machine... CALL THE BOMB SQUAD!!!

    Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life on this planet.
  10. S

    I have got to get a pair of these. Since I use a service dog, and I'd like to take her to the range with me.
  11. S

    Guns and Horses--a cautionary tale.

    Oro, I've seen horses who were 'gun broke', and you're right, it's a good idea, especially if you ride where yo might have to shoot from the saddle. I had a friend who had two horses out in Colorado. He tried to get them both used to firearms. One of them, no matter what he did hated guns...
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    Guns and Horses--a cautionary tale.

    Griz, yeah, they can be nervous by human standards. You have to remember, darn near everything we want them to do for us goes against their natural instincts. We want to pen them in: it's in their nature to have a large range and roam freely. We want them to interact and get petted like...
  13. S

    Guns and Horses--a cautionary tale.

    I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually doesn't like horses before. Everyone I've ever talked to about them, even if they are afraid of them, at least liked to watch them from a distance.
  14. S

    Is gun scrubber brake cleaner?

    Sounds like ether. Cleans away grease and oil without leaving a residue when it dries. Same stuff as starting fluid. Makes a really big boom when you toss a can of it into a fire, but I think we covered that in another thread a while back.
  15. S

    How often do you clean your guns. Really!

    Every time I fire them. I get home from the range I set up a cleaning station and get to work. I thoroughly clean each one, lightly oil it, and put it away. Been doing that for more than forty years and it's always worked well, don't see where I'll be changing my routine any time soon. I also...
  16. S

    Guns and Horses--a cautionary tale.

    She's very lucky she wasn't hurt much worse. I am an avid shooter, and an avid rider. To my great regret I don't get to do either nearly as much as I'd like. I would never fire a weapon within earshot of a group of horses, especially if someone on foot was near them as well. I won't even...
  17. S

    active body armor

    I absolutely refuse to get into any kind of argument over whether or not this drivel is possible, but my wife just made an interesting observation. Ever had your arm shocked hard enough to cause a muscle twitch? Did it in turn make your finger twitch as well? Just what the troops need more...
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    active body armor

    heron, ROTFLMAO All I could think about with that mental image was the old Alexei Sayle BBC routine about why it's a good thing the Romans didn't have electricity.
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    active body armor

    All kidding aside, I see a problem here. People actually believe this crap is possible. This is the same type of belief that you see when the mass media buys into BS arguments like you should shoot to wound because there's no need to go for the kill shot when a bullet in the leg will disable an...
  20. S

    .40 S&W or .45 ACP CC

    I could have lived happily for a long time without that mental image.:eek: