
  1. M

    Anyone have a SAR (Sarsilmaz) B6P or CM9 G2?

    Can someone who has one of these tell me if the rails in the frame have steel inserts like a Glock or if they are plastic (er... sorry, polymer)? Thanks. Cross posted at another site. Will post the answer if I remember.
  2. R

    Current 9mm Deals

    I am looking for a full size 9mm for a range gun. There a lot of good deals out there right now, but it is hard to pick between the guns. A lot of them are guns that I have never been able to hold, or shoot. I am looking at guns under $450. Here are some of the deals I have found, but I...
  3. C0untZer0

    Review of the SAR B6P

    I recently purchased a SAR 4.5" 16+1 polymer-framed, SA/DA B6P. I wanted a cheap gun to keep in my car. I normally pocket carry a Rohrbaugh R9 and I can't really deploy it from a sitting position. I wanted a gun that I could access quickly while in my vehicle. Since I wouldn't be carrying...