
  1. InfoLoader

    Pennsylvania passes new semi auto rules for hunting

    Not that i don't like shooting bolt guns for accuracy, However i have a scar 17 waiting to help me speed up the sausage making. All in all I've benn back n forth with debating people on which is: #1 more humane #2 more efficient #3 more accurate And hands down it is SEMI- AUTO BY FAR AND ID LOVE...
  2. M

    Pennsylvania: Sunday Hunting Legislation Gathering Momentum After Senate Committee He

    Pennsylvania: Sunday Hunting Legislation Gathering Momentum After Senate Committee Hearing This will be more appropriate and of more interest if I post this here than in the legal section. Right now Pennsylvania bans hunting on Sundays due to old blue laws that date back many years. Pending...
  3. M

    Pennsylvania House moves to expand gun rights

    Pennsylvania House moves to expand gun rights, keep pigeon shoots It is an important preemption bill. It allows the pro-gun groups like the NRA to challenge in court local and city gun control ordinances when they are stronger than Pennsylvania's own laws. The Governor is expected to sign it...