1970 Airline Hijacking on Dateline

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Dec 31, 2002
Did anyone else see it? It was basically about a hijacking back in 1970 were there was an armed brinks security guard on board that shot the hijacker. They way Dateline aired the promos it almost seemed like it was going to be a "what goes wrong when guns are on planes" type of thing... but I think it ended up being very supportive of having guns on board as a second line of defense besides just metal detectors at airports.
What would be great is if they would enact an Aviation CCW license.

You could apply for it just like a regular CCW permit only it would allow you to CCW on any Commercial Airline.

Of course you'd have to make sure the TSB had no involvement or it would become totally FUBAR.
D.B. Cooper

Miami?? Ha! Last I heard he was still living in a hovel up in the mountains, waiting for the snow to melt so he could find all of the dough!

When the heck was that anyway? 70-71?
Heh - I remember when the drug boys were dumping duffel bags of cash over central kentucky back about 15-20 years ago... I'm guessing they probably had some sort of marker system, but occasionally they'd screw up, and a farmer would find a duffle bag full of folding money... Some reported 'em...
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