2 New Court Decisions Are Quietly Eliminating Californians’ Second Amendment Rights

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And, as icing on the cake, the CA Supreme Court just ruled UNANIMOUSLY that just because a law is impossible to comply with doesn't invalidate the law! :barf::fire::barf:

Unfortunately, the legislation to repeal the micro-stamping requirement, AB-2733, died in committee in April. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB2733

Since none of the major makers are interested in attempting to meet this requirement for new models introduced in CA, the state won't see the new models constantly being introduced. (LE, for the most part, is exempt from only selecting from the roster of approved guns.)
This is why Heller is not as big of gun victory as the NRA and others have proclaimed. Justice Scalia writing for the majority left the door open that the banning certain types of firearms may be legal.

A much bigger victory than if it had gone the other way.
People that live in CA vote just like any other state. They have a right to restrict themselves or not. I would suspect that anyone living in CA can live with what people have voted into law. Personally, I couldn't live there, but then, I don't have to.

There's nobody standing on the CA state line saying you can't leave so 40 million people must be OK with the rules. It isn't exactly N. Korea.

I've driven across the AZ/CA border numerous times. Nothing happened except I felt a little better.:D I try to avoid driving in CA.

Wait until the people of Seattle are pulling everyone else around by their noses in Washington...Oh wait...:rofl:
Wait until the people of Seattle are pulling everyone else around by their noses in Washington...Oh wait...:rofl:

Yeah, WA is becoming just like CA. Actually the whole west coast will soon be like CA.

About the only difference I can see between CA and WA now is we are a shall issue state. I've had a carry permit here for 26 years.

I'm moving out next year when the real estate market peaks here. I'm doing work on my house right now getting it ready to sell.

I respect the voters that live here tho. If they want to be like CA who am I to say they shouldn't enjoy all the gun control they want.
I respect the voters that live here tho. If they want to be like CA who am I to say they shouldn't enjoy all the gun control they want.

I understand what you're going for, but the constitution applies to the voters just as much as it does to the legislature.
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On the one hand, CA is a beautiful state and I applaud those fighting for their 2A rights.

On the other hand, while I have worked there temporarily, I would never move there (almost) no matter how much money was involved (and I do get offers every week).
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