2 problems and many photos !

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Aug 27, 2009
Dear all,

Hi and i hope every one is doing well !

I have purchased a gun from a friend a couple of weeks ago, for £ 100, as he's leaving the country.

The gun has no model ! it is something like 9 cms. length and 5 cms. height.

One thing is written on it:

Starter Automatic Pistol cal. mm.8

I am attaching photos of it to help any buddy who knows what type of guns is it, and any relevant information !









The other real problem which i am facing is
when i grab the slide to the back, the bullet doesnt load from the magazine to the barrel accurately, and it stucks ! I am attching photos to show what happens.




I hope any one can help me with this please, and how can i make it work effectively.


Silence Warrior
That ammo looks strange. What kind of bullet is that? It almost looks like a glass bead. The way that bullet is seated might have something to do with your FTF (fail-to-feed) problems.

My first thought is that this is simply a replica, blank firing pistol. Otherwise, I don't really know what you have there.

What you have is a 8mm blank firing starter pistol. Commonalty used to signal the start of races and sporting events. The barrel should be obstructed to prevent it's being converted to fire a projectile. The metallurgy is not up to the pressures of projectile ammo anyway.
Just looked at some more of your pictures. Looks like someone thought they could fire projectiles through the thing. That looks like a steel bearing inserted into the mouth of the blank. Wouldn't be surprised if caught with that pistol and improvised projectile, it might be worth a few fortnights in the slammer!
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I'm guessing here, but it says Starter gun, and it uses 8mm, on the slide.

I'm thinking it is a gun used to start races, as stated on slide, along with, it uses some kind of 8mm blank, so no 9mm is not gonna fully chamber, be it full 9mm or 9mm short..

Otherwise, not a gun for SD/HD,


That's an 8mm starter pistol, designed to shoot only 8mm blanks. It appears that your friend has modified the blanks to shoot ball bearings, which is a dangerous practice. Blank powder is very fast when smokeless is used, but a lot of blanks use black powder. Most starter pistols are made from cheap castings, or at the very least soft steel.

My suggestion would be to get your 100 Pounds back from him and let him worry about the pistol. It's not designed to shoot a projectile and is likely to blow up on you.

Hope this helps.

Looks like a good cleaning might allow the gun to chamber the blanks. It might take more than that. It looks to be pretty well corroded up as low yield cast allow seems to become over time. Unless you REALLY need a blank firing pistol, ------and----------it's legal to own, I'd chunk it before it gets you in trouble.------------Just sayin.
100 pounds!? that's liek $180! In the US, that thing would sell for about $30, if it was an actual gun, which it isn't.
OK, shooter is correct that is a ball bearing shoved into the case in an attempt to make that into a firearm. I would immediately destroy that junk ammo, and the gun too, it is illegal and if found with it you'll have a hard time arguing in an English court that you didn't convert a blank gun to a handgun for criminal purposes.
Call me slow too but I didn't know they made semiauto starter pistols. I hope you get your money back from your friend before he leaves the country.
It would seem to me that the OP purchased the pistol thinking it would be capable of firing a projectile. I'm pretty sure that both the seller and the buyer broke a few merry ole laws! I'm sure Scotland Yard isn't aware of the internet, so they should both be fine.
Consider it a loss.
The pistol was never intended to last for very long. Given that it looks at least a good 30+ years old.
Questionable metal, questionable care and modified ammo is never a good mix.
The trigger sear lockwork probably isn't that reliable or safe.
Write off your loss as charity to your friend and destroy that thing!
Besides, isn't it illegal where you're at?
This question has also been asked and answered over at The Firing Line.


OP is asking for information on how to illegally convert a blank fire firearm to live fire. This has been in the news in Britain resulting in further restrictions on ownership of blank fire and gas cartridge air pistols.

Either the OP is a troll attempting to discredit forums such as this "see, they give advice on manufacturing illegal firearms" or he is a criminal, or he is woefully ignorant of the law in his own country. The fact that he has been told by multiple people on at least two forums that he is breaking the law and has not responded makes me believe that he is a troll or a criminal. Either way, discussing breaking the law is not The High Road.
I don't think he's a troll. I think he's naive. You can't makeup that kind of naivety. He probably used both websites to get as much feedback as he can. Anyway, it's not High Road to call someone a troll. If you really feel that way, then tell a moderator.
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