2A at the Polar Bear swim today

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Jul 10, 2003
Today, in Rudy, Arkansas, was the sixth annual Polar Bear club swim in Frog Bayou.

Purely a silly occasion, no official club dues or anything like that. The only meetings of the club are on New Years day on the creek bank.

But just before we took the plunge, Bill Long, the organizer of the event took a moment to thank everyone who showed up. He is an arborist in the area, and in fact gave out a free tree planting as a prize to the group which brought the most swimmers to the event.

Then, in front of about 200 people and newspaper reporters and TV cameras he paused for dramatic effect, and raised his right hand in the air, forefinger pointed at the sky, thumb cocked back like a hammer in the classical "hand as gun" pose.

Then he said, "And before we get in the water, I would just like to say this in honor of Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and all those other policiticians who want to take away our Second Amendment Rights...........BLAM!"

When he hollered "BLAM," several of us gave our best hillbilly whoops and Rebel yells and dove into the 40 degree creek.


I wonder if next year we might make it the first annual Polar Bear target shoot and then swim?

I was watching OLN's Outdoor Outtakes & saw one polar bear competition. In this particular one, the participants were diving in wearing nothin' but what the good Lord gave 'em. :what:


1.What do your "polar bears" wear for this event?

2. Aren't you worried about the hot brass?

3. Should we in Texas be worried about nekkid hillbilly polar bears crossing the state line? :D
We could shoot first, full clothed, and then hit the water afterwards.

And remember, this is Arkansas we're talking about here. Ain't nobody nekkid at an Arkie Polar Bear swim.......Now, if you're talkin a drunken Arkie bonfire-in-a-field party during the summer, that is sumthin' entirely different..........

There is an archery range that could easily accomodate .22s not more than 300 yards from the jumping-in spot at the Frog Bayou.

Don't worry. Us hillbillies try real hard to stay out of Texas as much as possible.

After all, we are the descendents of the Arkies who had enough sense to know when to stop going west..........

Maybe you should try the "Bear Island Skinnydippers' Club". Bear Island is nearly half way between mainland Norway and the North Pole. The only permanent human presence is a meteorological station. Visitors to the island can get a membership in the club, signed by the station chief, by fulfilling the membership requirements:
1. You have to be nekkid.
2. You have to be totally submerged.
3. You need an independent witness of the opposite sex.
It doesn't matter what time of year it is, the water temperature is pretty much the same, varying from just above freezing in the summer to just below freezing in the winter - because of the high salinity, the water can actually be colder than 30 degrees F before it freezes.

A few years ago there was a Parliamentary committee up there. Two of the male members for the Conservative Party wanted to go for a swim and they needed a witness. One of the ladies from the Labour Party volunteered. The two gentlemen didn't trust her not to run away with their clothes while they were in the water, so they made one of the press photographers guard the clothes.

This is gun related. You can't go swimming up there without someone with a gun keeping polar bear watch. :)
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