2A Question - This one's a little different

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Well, the "Founding Fathers" made a number of statements referring to who should be armed:
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts that all power is inherent in the People; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
Thomas Jefferson
"No freeman shall ever be barred the use of arms."
Thomas Jefferson
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
Samuel Adams
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people ... To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them."
George Mason
"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves ... and include all men capable of bearing arms ... To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms."
Richard Henry Lee
Some random samples of the intent of the Second Amendment, by the people that were the very foundation of this country and its' Constitution. I hope that these statements put to rest any conflict in your idea of what the 2A is all about. For me, there is no question what the one sentence that makes up the 2A does mean, and what it was intended to mean. The militia reference leading into the reason for ".. the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms ..." is to emphasize the need for all the people to always be armed.
Long ago football was banned...

In old English Common Law, which our US law comes from, at one time the King banned football [today it would be called rugby/soccer] so that the peasants would practice with bows and arrows on Sundays after services...their "free" /recreational time... I think everyone was still Catholic at that time... In brief, everyone was subject to "militia" service. Now the old and infirm would not be hauled very far, but if the battle came your way, you could be drafted. And if you were not good with a bow, you could hold the shield and arrows... etc. Women too.

"Hue and cry" was the summons by a constable to chase a thief... help...

In the US the socialist leaders who wished to be relied upon for protection--
the government" "the police..." "you don't need a gun. You can call the police..." (ha, ha) have sought to "forget" this tradition. While early territories had "rangers", eg TX, OK, CA, NM, AZ..., and later the "ranger units" became the local military/police (Texas Rangers today)... when state hood came along, wellllllll

In the south they had some interesting laws. Each "able bodied man" [MOST of which did not own slaves] 16 to 55 was subject to one NIGHT of service per month patrolling roads looking for run away slaves... Most were in agriculture and had to furnish their own horse and time and at the end of the night were worthless for the next day... Some rich SOB would have his slaves host a morning breakfast... And the cranky patrollers ...

Yes, it is a lawyers device (necessary evils, lawyers...) to deny this "ranger" /"self defense" function in favor of the well drilled and regulated "National Guard." So if the Guard goes, then who protects??? I think Col. Colt got the title by raising a "regiment" (at his OWN expense... Uncle Sam loves that... cf Black water today). A. Lincoln served with the "IL volunteers." And today the Godless would deny the individuals' rights to "self defense" with best tools available. It is a sewer and the "head" of the sewage system is a socialist no unlike Woodrow Wilson, W.J. Bryan, etc. Frank Roosevelt. L. Johnson. B. Clinton. Hopefully they remember '94.

I always return to Will Rogers. He drew himself up and said, "I do not belong to an organized political party..." They he smiled broadly and continued, "I'm a Democrat..." luck to us all...
The Dick act of 1903 establishes the National Guard as an organized militia and the rest of us as an un-organized militia...

We are for all intents a militia of one...

And in it's original context well regulated simply referred to being well behaved or disciplined.

2A does not refer just to the Nat Guard, but to all able bodied free men capable of bearing arms.
I am having trouble finding the actual text of the Dick Act. Can anybody help with that?
Yea that text is the wikipedia text as well. I am looking for the actual Act and not just its explanation.
I can't use it if I can't cite to it.
cbrgator said:
So my question is: "Are anti-2A advocates essentially saying that the 2A protects the National Guard?"
The anti-2A advocates are willing to argue out of whichever side of their mouths they need to in order to reach their goal of disarming the American public. These are the same people who disengenuously turned Jefferson's "wall of separation" quote on its head and used it as a pretext to infringe on our freedom of religeon. They have no morals and few scruples. They have an agenda and are entirely willing to do whatever is needed to further it. They believe their motives are pure so their methods are of no consequence. As Ghandi said
man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts.
Can anybody find the text of the Dick Act? Anybody? Please? I'll be your best friend!
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