84% of Brits Want UK Handgun Ban to End According to Poll

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You can defend yourself with whatever your have at hand. However, you must be able to carry it legally, such as an umbrella or a rolled up magazine. Anything designed or adapted to be a weapon is illegal. This incudes if you carry a fluffy toy and SAY it's intended for self defence. So yeah, you can't carry anything for the purpose of self defence as it becomes an offensive weapon.

In addition, you must use reasonable and proportionate force, which will be assessed by a court in the cold light of day after the event. The law really isn't on our side. Again, and this applies to the US, the best way is to be aware and avoid incidents in the first place.
Fine examples of why we can't compare legal gun ownership between our two countries on an equal basis. I wish more people understood this.
The ones I saw carried MP5s.

"Never" is a long time. How long did it take for their Empire to crumble? Not much longer than the gun ban has lasted.
Has any European nation repealed a gun ban in recent memory?
Regular police in the UK Carry ZERO FIREARMS...the only place you saw an MP5 was at the airport:rolleyes:
The ones I saw carried MP5s.

Depends on where you're at in the UK and what the circumstances are, my friend.

There are four countries in the UK: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland is the only country where the police regularly carry firearms.

In the rest of the UK, Authorized Firearms Officers are the ones that carry firearms...and then only when they are authorized by an appropriate officer of Inspector rank or higher.

In certain areas, "Standing Authority" is issued to carry firearms (personal sidearms), such as airports, nuclear sites, or protection assignments.

So, if you saw police officers carrying firearms in the UK then you saw the exception to the general rule, which is governed under the circumstances outlined above.
They are not getting them back without serious reforms. Won't happen.
One has. The Czech Republic reformed their gun laws in 1995 and self defense is a reason to get a gun. They even have conceal carry permits there.

Doesn't come across that way when reading the article. While it might have been as originally intended, entry into the EU meant that it was neither an appeal or a relaxation of former gun laws. It was in fact, a tightening of the regulations.

quoted from that same article:

"The new enactment of 1995, after the Velvet Revolution, meant return to liberal times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Accession to EU required new enactment, which was passed in 2002. The law remained very liberal despite introducing more regulation.[5]"
If not the Czechs, then nobody.

I am skeptical that the British people would vote to restore their gun privileges. Their attitudes are different. Americans always try to find what's wrong and who is responsible, take charge and change the situation. The Brits are often content to write things off as an act of God, or the unforeseen circumstances beyond anyone's control. They will look to the government to do more for their protection.
I lived in England for a while and I work with a lot of Brits, I am exceeding skeptical of this survey. I've never met a Brit that thought civillians should own handguns. Not one, ever, even my buddy the cop did not want to be issued one. A lot of them thought they should be able to buy a shotgun or rifle, but they have had handguns beaten out of them.

That cop sure liked shooting my pistols when he came to visiit, but it only reinforced his feelings that they should stay banned. "If every drunk bastaad I had to haul outta a pub 'ad one of these, I'd be dead in a week'
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