A common sense call for "common sense" gun control laws.

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Aug 29, 2009
The current mantra of the gun control crowd is; All we want are "common sense" gun control laws. They keep chanting the phrase "common sense", "common sense"...as if it were some sort of magical formula that would automatically banish violent crime and all the time trying to imply that those of us that support RKBA are actually opposed to real common sense gun control laws! :fire:

What they really want, given that they cannot have a complete ban on private gun ownership, are gun control laws as restrictive as possible so as to make it as difficult as possible to own any type of firearm! Well I believe that two can play this "common sense" game.

Therefore I am making the following proposal. Assuming that truly "common sense" gun control laws can significantly reduce and prevent violent crime and given that there we are a nation of 50 semi-autonomous states, each with gun controls laws that vary significantly from each other, then "common sense" dictates that those states that have the lowest per capita rates of violent crime must also have the best gun controls laws in the country. Therefore "common sense" dictates that we should eumlate the gun control laws of the above mentioned states.

To this end I have created a list of the five states that the FBI's Uniform Crime Report reports as having the lowest rates of violent crime per 100K people for the year 2008. I realize that from one year to the next the list may vary slightly but I assume not by much. The list is as follows;

U.S as a whole, 454.5

South Dakota, 201.4
North Dakota, 166.5
New Hampshire, 157.2
Vermont, 135.9
Maine, 117.5

Please note that in none of these states is there any type of firearm registration. No permits to buy or own are required. No large cap mag limits or AW ban. All are shall issue for CCW except for Vermont where you don't even need a permit to CCW!!! All are very gun friendly states. There are very few places where CCW with a permit ( remember Vermont ) is not allowed.

Lets use "common sense" and model all state gun control laws after the laws of these states. Lets include nation CCW while were are at it. After all isn't that just the "common sense" thing to do? :)
Last year I made a chart that showed the correlation (or lack thereof) between strict gun control and gun homicide rate. I arranged the states from most strict to least strict according to Brady's own rankings and plotted their gun homicide rate. If there was a correlation between gun control and gun homicide, you would expect there to be an upward trend as the chart moves to the right. That is clearly not the case.

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