A Thank You To all of the men who risked all to free Europe from Fascist oppression.

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Apr 19, 2005
Drippin Sprgs. Tejas
A Thank You To all of the men who risked all to free Europe from Fascist oppression.

We all need to take the time to find a Veteran of the D-Day invasion and thank them for the risks and sacrifices they made in order to keep the world free.
The men who took part in the operations of D-Day and all of the missions leading up to it are true heroes and are becoming fewer and fewer every year, So if you know one go to visit them and say Thank You, the things that they did and have done since made this country great.
If you do not know a veteran they are not too hard to find Look at your local retirement homes you will find some of the once proud men forgotten and lonely visit them and thank them for being the heroes that they are!!
Not just for this day, stay in touch and let them know you care. In this disposable world we all seemed to have lost sight of the fact that people are not to be forgotten, and while it maybe easier to do so for us emotionally stop and remember that the men we are talking about went and fought for the United States and a whole host of people they did not know they saved the world and that is a wonderful and most heroic thing, Remember “Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Life For His Fellow Man”.

So thank you to all of our World War II Veterans in what ever theater of operations you served in. Know you are not Forgotten and that we Love you all. Thank you for the freedoms we now enjoy and though it may seem that some have given up on the Republic know that a good majority of the populace still cares and will do what we can to right the course of this troubled ship.

With Love and Respect,

My father was in WW2.
I don't know what he did. He died when I was too young to know him.

All I have of him are a few faded photos and the flag from his military burial.

But I'm still proud of him and all the Veterans of those days.
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