Addressing Age Requirement of 21

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May 19, 2004
Greensboro, NC
This may have been discussed already, but following Heller, I'm now curious as to whether the age requirement of 21 to purchase a handgun is valid, or can be challenged.

Since we all now have the right to own a handgun in the home, would depriving 18-20 year-old American citizens of that right without due process be unconstitutional? If so, there may be a great opportunity to challenge this in a purchase permit state (like NC) in the same manner as Heller did - go to the Sheriff's office, attempt to apply for a permit, get denied, and off you go. No laws broken, but the stage can be set for a suit.

If this would work, any 18-20 volunteers in NC with a clean record interested in soliciting groups for backing?

This may be a winnable cause, OTOH the media will certainly make the comparison "Too young to drink, but old enough to tote a gun".

I think we should wait for incorporation first, then go after the 100's of other unconstitutional restrictions.
Many states allow 18 year olds to buy a gun from a private party.
Its the Fed restriction banning under 21 year olds to purchase from a FFL that has to be scrapped.
Write your Congressman/woman and lets start to get this law changed.
IMO, there should be one age for all adult privileges/responsibilities.

We, as a society, ought to pick a number and say congratulations adult, you're all grown up now so act like it.

Same age for driving, voting, marriage, drinking, voting, gun carry, consenting to sexual relations, legal contracts, military service, and so on through the list.
Having to be 21 to do most things its ridiculous, you can die for your country but you can't have beer? You can vote for president but can't drink in celebration if your candidate wins? Something is askew.
Having to be 21 to do most things its ridiculous, you can die for your country but you can't have beer? You can vote for president but can't drink in celebration if your candidate wins? Something is askew.

Amen, and another aggravating point is that the people that created and keep those laws intact are all over 30.
the 18-20 age group is kinda gets screwed over. here in Florida we can't get a handgun from FFL, only private sales, we can't get CCW, we can't have any weapons on college campuses( ccw or in a car) and the whole drinking age thing, but that's not as important to me personally, no one has ever died because they couldn't drink. we have seen what happens on college campuses when psychopaths go on a rampage against the unarmed helpless masses.
It's the idiotic few that always ruin it for the normal majority of good folks.

Millions of 18 years could carry peacefully and responsibly, and all it would take is one dumbass kid that wasn't raised right by his dumbass parents to to something.. well, that a dumbass would do if given a pistol, and boom, age laws.
and usually when those few 18-20's go crazy, their targets are usually their own peers (i.e. schools, etc.) if the age group could carry legally, the rest of the 18-20 year olds could keep those few in line... I know I'd think twice about brandishing a firearm if I knewmy peers had them too
Policy arguments for or against are not the answer. Policy does not trump the Constitution. See Heller and the Breyer dissent based on losing policy arguments.
Millions of 18 years could carry peacefully and responsibly, and all it would take is one dumb kid that wasn't raised right by his dumb parents to to something.. well, that a dumb would do if given a pistol, and boom, age laws.

That is why we have background checks CCW boards and testing, Iam in this demographic and if that is what I have to do to carry so be it.
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