Advice needed re caliber choice

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It sounds like he has a pretty nice collection there. The way I see it, he needs either a varmint round like a .223, which many have already suggested, or a larger caliber rifle suitable for hunting much bigger game. If he is a serious big game hunter and may have brown bear, moose, or dangerous African game in his future, then something along the lines of the .375 H&H or a 9.3x62mm Mauser may be in order.

While both are outstanding cartridges, I'm partial to the 9.3x62mm myself. If I could only have one cartridge to hunt the widest variety of game possible with for the rest of my life, I would choose the 9.3x62mm. With the right bullets, one could hunt everything from deer to elephant with this cartridge. To top it off, CZ USA makes the 550 American (an outstanding rifle) chambered in 9.3x62mm for $800-850.

More details on this versatile cartridge can be found below if you're interested.

The bullet on the left is a 286gr Swift A-Frame and the one on the right is a 286 gr Woodleigh FMJ. I recovered both from a Cape Buffalo in Zimbabwe last year.
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