After Action Report: Black Rifle Convention

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
Okay - Wendy and I went for Saturday.

It coulda been better attended, but it was a hoot! Full auto rentals were available (from the guys at The Firing Line range in Oklahoma, where they're having a full auto shoot next weekend), there was quite a bit of shooting going on. It was in a single location this time, instead of spread out.

Campground was comfy, but I did get quite a bit of walking in. Supposed to be good for me. Heh.

Saturday evening, following shooting, the Shiner emerged. There was a crawfish and crab boil for dinner. Very darn tasty bugs. Bite the tails and suck the heads and all that. Then they announced the winner of a .50 (very nice lookin' rifle) that was raffled off. It wasn't me.

Following these festivities, those who could still motivate waddled over to behind the main lodge building where a Zydeco band (Red Hot Mojo at was set up. They just flat out cooked. There were white folks tryin' to dance. There were even Bogies tryin' to dance. People generally survived, altho Wendy's feet suffered. Somehow, the dancing seemed to become better as more beer was consumed. During an intermission, door prizes were awarded, including another .50. Wendy and myself got t-shirts. At least they've got guns on 'em.

Sunday morning was beautiful. Woke up at about 6:30 ayem, and just enjoyed the morning. Wendy arose at about 9:30, and muttered something about tequilla and was wondering about why her feet were hurting almost as much as her head. I didn't tell her, but I suppose this will let the feline out of the sack... Breakfast at the Atlas diner was tasty, and the drive home to St. Louis down the River Road was highly scenic.

If they do this again next year, you've GOTTA go. It was a blast.
Bogie didn't mention that he shot a Thompson :D

Will have to bring more Shiner next time and stay away from the Tequila :banghead:
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